Chapter Eleven

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Spencer's POV

"So, what do you like other than studying?" Derek smiled as we walked around New York, probably further away from Jason and Justin than we should be.

"Well, I'm a nerd, what do you expect?" I hummed in amusement.

Derek crossed his arms, smirking, "Would it be cliché to ask if your favorite TV show is Big Bang Theory?"

"Actually it is, not because it's about nerds, or dorks, because it's genuinely a funny show." I smiled.

"I dont understand half the things they say, but its my favorite show too." Derek grinned.

I chuckled, "Is there a reason to why you insist on going for a walk with me, as well as dragging me along to this party on Friday?" I hummed.

"Maybe its because I would like to know my step brother?" Derek chuckled.

"What about Jason? You havent bothered to get to know him." I rose a brow.

"Well, I dont know... he's kinda," Derek scrunched his nose, "One of those guys who annoy me, no offence. I just dont like the 'I'm a badboy, screw you' guy." Derek bit his bottom lip, "Plus, the way he walks around like he owns everything makes me want to strangle him. You're so different from him, which is why I like you more."

Like you more.

My heart might have just exploded in my chest. He likes me more than Jason.  What is this witchcraft?!

Everyone has always liked Jason more! He's cooler, tougher, funnier, good looking, dont tell him I said that.

And Derek likes me more? Oh my Lord, I need water.

"Are you okay? You look like you're gonna faint." Derek stopped walking, grabbing my arm.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine... uh it's getting dark, we should head back to Jason and Justin..." I blushed, trying to shake off these weird feelings.

Derek licked his lips, nodding, "Yeah, Justin's extra jumper is in my bag and I forgot to give it to him so he's probably cold." Derek smiled.


Jason's POV

"Last night I had enough of you, so I put on the brakes!" Justin sang loudly along to the radio inside the store that happened to be playing Ke$ha songs.

I was embarrassed as he danced, swinging his hips and jumping up and down to the music.


He sang over my voice, "I could tell you took it hard it was all over your face, that you were slippin, and flippin, but here is the sitch, I signed up for a man but you are just a bi-"

"Ohmygod," I groaned, trying to get him to stop by tugging on his arms, not too hard though.

"You should knooowww, that I loooovvvveee, you a looootttt, but I just cant date a dude with a Vag!" Justin grinned as he sung, pulling away from me and skipping around the single speaker that stood in the center of the store.

People were bloody amused by it, watching him sing and clapping along, just fucking ecouraging his cute voice further and further, damnit.

"When we fell in love, you made my heart drop," Justin immitated pulling his heart out of his chest and dropping it, "And you had me thinking bout you nonstop." He circled his finger around his temple, making that crazy hand sign, "But you cry about this," He used his hands to pretend to cry, "And whine about that, but when you grow a pair, you can call me back!" Justin pretended to answer a phone.

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