Chapter Forty-Three

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Jason's POV

I dragged from the joint Zayn had rolled me, sighing softly while we sat on the back of his Ute waiting for our other friend's to arrive.

I had walked most of the way towards this hill-type area, but Zayn was driving passed and gave me a lift the rest of the way.

Luke had apparently sent a text to everyone, asking us all to meet him here because he wanted to share some drinks and tell us something.

I have a feeling it's because he wanted to talk about him and Nash dating, and I hoped to God it wasnt going to be too awkard between us because of what happened.

I'm sure it doesnt matter now, anyway.

"So, was Justin alright when ya found him?" Zayn murmured, texting on his phone.

"Yeah, upset I suppose, but alright." I nodded. I blew out the puff of smokey air, and watched Zayn curiously, "Who are you texting?"

"This chick I'm seeing," Zayn shrugged, but I could see the faint smile on his lips.

"Nice, she go to our school?" I asked.

"No," Zayn bit his bottom lip, "This is gonna sound really bad, but she's thirteen..."

"Thirteen?" I rose a brow.

"Yeah, she's really mature though.... like, she's smarter than I am... its almost intimidating, but I really like her... she turns fourteen soon, so its not too horrible, right?"

Zayn seemed a little edgy about her age, but genuine about how he felt.

I licked my lips, "I'm seeing someone who's fourteen, but I really like this person."

Zayn smiled, "Its a dude isn't it? Justin, I bet?"

"What?" I widened my eyes in horror.

"I'm not stupid - and well, I overheard Nash tell Luke about it... I dont care if your gay, you know?" Zayn laughed, "Seriously, everyone is in the closet... it sounds bad but they are... Ashton is gay, Nash is bi, Luke is gay, wouldn't be surprised if Michael is bi... he's kind of been eying one of Spencer's friend's lately."

I looked down at my feet, feeling a tad sick that someone knew, but somewhat relieved, "I dont know how to tell my Dad I'm bi... like, Spencer is gay, I'm sure of that... my Dad would be shattered... My Uncle would be hell shocked."

I scrunched my nose up when rain drops began falling on top of us, but looked at Zayn with a frown.

"What does it matter? You're you, don't try and be someone else for anyone. That's why I think you're an alright friend," Zayn sucked in the burning joint, before discarding it on the dirt ground, "You've never let anyone walk over you, although you have anger issues that need addressing..."

"I can't help it, if I'm mad, I'm mad." I frowned.

"I dont know if you know this or not, but... remember that party at Louis Tomlinson's place a few weeks ago?" Zayn stared at me, licking his lips.

"How could I forget." I grumbled unhappily at the memory of finding out Justin and Luke had, had sex together.

"Louis did something so bad it pissed of Mr. Styles," Zayn sighed, "I found Louis and Luke having sex in Nash's car-"

"Wait what?" I widened my eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Well, Luke was pretty hammered and Louis had an argument with Mr. Styles because he wouldn't come to the party, so out of revenge, Louis convinced Luke to have sex with him... Justin saw the whole thing too, and tried to join them," Zayn mumbled, "He undressed but by then, Luke passed out and Louis told Justin he couldn't join because he was too young, so Justin ended up crying himself to sleep in the car..."

"I'm so fucking lost, why has no one told me this? Luke said he didn't remember-"

"Luke doesn't remember and I haven't told him," Zayn rolled his eyes at me, "I was a bit drunk that night but I ended up passing out soon after; that's all I really saw was Louis having sex with Nash, and Justin upset because he wasnt allowed to join - I dont even think Justin knew what they were doing, the kid had been drinking too."

I was completely shocked, looking up at the slight sight of stars, but found myself laughing out of relief.

"He's still a virgin, oh thank you god."
I grinned widely, maybe a tad over happy.

"Good for you then, -oh, there's the other's." Zayn pointed at the cars driving towards us and I still kept that shit eating grin on my face.

Justin's POV

I tossed and turned on the couch in the lounge room, frowning unhappily when a loud clap shook the room slightly.

I hate thunder.

I was scared all alone in the lounge room by myself in the dark; I missed Jason and I was cold.

I need cuddles, or I cant sleep.

"D-Daddy?" I called out, not very loudly, but as loud as I could.

He didn't reply or come out, so I got off the couch and ran as fast as I could to the room Daddy told me he slept in.

I grabbed the door handle and turned it quickly, before opening the door and running into the room.

"Daddy?" I blushed as I ran around the bed and shook his shoulder since he was under the blanket.

"The fuck?" He sat up and I frowned when I realized it was Kyle, not Daddy.

"Why are you in my Daddy's bed?" I demanded.

"J-Justin?" Kyle widened his eyes as he stared at me, "Uh-"

"Kyle was just keeping me company, I dont like thunder." Daddy sat up beside him and I sighed in relief, "He makes me feel better, okay? Now, what's wrong?"

I immediatly began climbing in the bed, opposite side of Daddy so he was in the middle before I laid down.

"What are you doing?" Daddy rose a brow.

"I dont like thunder, so I'm sleeping with you guys. Night Daddy, night Kyle." I pulled the blanket over my body.

"Well, there goes our plans." Kyle whispered with a laugh.

"What plans?" I asked.

"Nothing, go to sleep." Daddy sighed.

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