Chapter Nine

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Spencer's POV

I dont know why the hell Derek is staring at me, like it's really creepy - he's not even inside the classroom like he should br, he's standing outside and currently has his face pressed against the damn door window.

I glanced over and mouthed 'What'.

He motioned with his hand for me to come out there, and I rose a brow.

He left to go to the toilet ten minutes ago, and I could tell now that he was just trying to waste time.

"Spencer, your little friend seems to want your attention." The teacher looked at me.

I blushed, "Sorry sir."

"Go find out what he's doing, then tell him to rejoin the clas please." He said.

I nodded, getting up and exiting the classroom,  glaring at Derek some, "What is your problem?" I groaned.

"Class is boring." He smiled, "Wanna come get a drink of water with me?"

"We need to go back to class, idiot." I rolled my eyes.

"Plleeeeeaaaasssseee?" Derek whined childishly,  "Its all dark and scary and I dont know where to go." He pouted.

"It's daytime and the lights are all on." I groaned, but he continued to pout and poke at me, "Ugh fine." I sighed, "Come on." I power walked down the hall, wanting him to hurry up already.

Derek was right beside me as we walked down the hall connected to the gym and to a water fountain.

Derek drank some water then smiled at me.

"Done?" I asked.

"Why are you so eager to go back to class?" He asked.

"Because, I dont like to skip class." I stated the obvious.

"You're boring." Derek chuckled, "So I heard there is a party this Friday.... a bonfire for the after match party thing." Derek smiled.

"And that concerns me because?" I rose a brow, confused.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to it with me, it'll be fun." Derek smiled, "I won't ditch you or anything, and I want to do something cool, so?"

"Uh..." my cheeks felt so warm.

"Please put your nerdness down for one night and come out?" He was begging, which was weird.

"Fine, just... if you go to class and stop skipping I'll go." I sighed and Derek grinned in triumph.

"If you say so!" He grabbed my arm dragging me back towards class.

Jason's POV

"I can't believe this is why you didnt want me doing anything with him." Nash snorted, "And you call me gay?"

"It's none of your business, Nash. Leave it alone." I spat, glaring at him.

"Hi Nash," Justin poked his head out from behind me, waving at Nash.

"Hello Justin." Nash winked back, only making me more frustrated.

"Don't wink at him." I glared, "Dont flirt with him, touch him, look at him-"

"Why are you so possessive?" Nash rose a brow, "I'm not gonna go ahead and tell anyone about your little make out session with the special kid, so don't act like I'm all of a sudden the bad guy. We are still friends, right?"

"Yes, but back off on the flirting towards him." I stared at him, not really trusting him.

"Okay, I will..." Nash shrugged, "I wont flirt with your boyfriend anymore."

"Boyfriend?" Justin perked up, looking over my shoulder, "We're boyfriend's?"


"Of course you two are, Justin. Jason and you can hold hands whenever you want, and go on dates. Why else would he want to kiss ya?" Nash grinned.

That motherfucker.

"Oh, I never had a boyfriend before!" Justin giggled excitedly, "Where are we gonna go, Jason? On our first date?!" Justin squealed excited.

"I hate you, Nash." I glared.

Nash simply grinned, "See you at school tomorrow, bye!" he ran off, ignoring my stare.

"Hold my hand?" Justin giggled, holding his hand out towards me.

I rose a brow, "You slapped me in the face and stomped on my foot for kissing you, hold your own damn hand." I stomped away from him and back towards the school.

Author's Note; Well that wasnt expected xD jk idk...


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