Chapter Thirty-One

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Spencer's POV

I was curious to what was going on in the kitchen - since all I could hear was Justin screaming loudly - it was the kind of scream that sounded like he wanted help, so I had to make sure he wasn't being murdered...

I stepped into the kitchen and audibly gasped at the sight before me, utterly shocked.

Jason happened to be standing on top of the bench whilst holding Justin literally by the ankles upside down - with Derek squirting water in his face.

"Stop!" Justin screamed, his face bright red from being hung upside-down.

He let out little coughs, squirming.

"Paybacks a bitch." Derek snickered.

"Stop moving, or I'll drop you." Jason warned, struggling to keep his grip as Justin began kicking his legs.

"I want to get down!" Justin whined, reaching out and ripping at Derek's shirt.

"Let him g-" I began but let out a scream as Jason actually fucking dropped him.

You could seriously hear the thump of Justin's body dropping.

"Crap!" Derek gasped, already attempting to pick up his brother from the ground.

"Oh my god, shit, Justin, you okay?" Jason jumped off the bench and bent down beside him.

Justin sat up, holding his head as he stared at us, his eyes watery - he was on the verge of tears, no doubt.

"Let me see your head; does it hurt?" Derek went to pull Justin into a hug, but he was having none of that.

"No, I-I want to go to-to bed." Justin hiccupped, holding his tears in as he stumbled to his feet.

"No, we gotta check your head." Jason said, but Justin let out a choked sob as he shook his head, running out of the room.

I stared to the both of them and crossed my arms, "This is why we don't hang kids from a bench." I told them in a parental sort of voice

Derek frowned, "I was only trying to pay him back for locking me outside, Jason's the idiot who dropped him-"

"You asked me to hold him upside-down for your stupid revenge." Jason retorted, glaring at Derek

"Yeah but you said okay because you wanted to get him back for kicking you!" Derek yelled, smacking his arm.

"What the fuck," Jason smacked his arm harder.

"Hey!" I yelled, "One of you needs to go check on Justin, both of you contributed and now you've got the poor kid crying his eyes out-"

"He fake cried before, how do we trust him?" Jason muttered.

I eyed him, "Oh I don't know, maybe because you were right there when you dropped him on his fucking head?" My voice literally embracing my sarcastic side.

Jason's face visably softened at those words, "Fine, I'll go say sorry." He mumbled, walking out of the room.

I stared at Derek, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

As soon as I said that, there was a knock at the door.

Derek smiled, "Your friends are here."

I rolled my eyes, "You're lucky I dont hate you, now come say hi."

"That's because you love me." Derek winked and walked passed me to go retrieve the door.

I blushed brightly, grumbling under my breath. Maybe I do, jerk.

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