Chapter Twenty-Three

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Derek's POV

I smiled as Spencer and I entered the party, music blasting loudly and Girls and guys were already dancing wildly.

"Wow," Spencer grumbled, his eyes darting around as he took in the scenery.

"Want a drink?" I asked, smiling at him.

"I would but how are we going to drive back?" Spencer cleared his throat.

"I'm not drinking, I'll stay sober, but you should totally have a drink." I grinned, "I'll make sure you don't do something stupid."

"I suppose... but if I wake up naked with no idea what happened, I will never forgive you." Spencer warned, and I chuckled, nodding.

"Okay, you need to have some Jack Daniels, its the bomb with cola. Hopefully they have Sour Monkey, because that shit is amazing." I smiled at him.

Spencer grinned, "Okay lets give it a try. Lead the way, Party Boy."

I sent him a wink and did as told.

Jason's POV

"Party time!" Luke cheered as he pulled an already drunk Michael from the van.

"I'm gonna get boned tonight, Lukey!" Michael grinned, swinging his arms over his shoulder, dropping his empty beer bottle as we headed to the entrance of the cabin kind of thing.

"If you can even make it through the door, try not to drink so much before a party." Zayn snorted and jogged inside.

Ashton and Luke dragged Michael inside while I glanced back at Justin, grinning.

"You ready for the best party ever?" I asked curiously, to which Justin smiled widely.

"Yes!" Justin giggled.

"Stay close to me." I instructed before walking into the party.


As Vance Joy's, Georgia began playing, the four cups of beer and three shots of vodka had come into affect.

I swayed, Justin pouting as he tried to keep me stable, which caused me to look down at him and grin.

"We should go into a room, yus." I mumbled, pointing to a door down some hallway.

Justin glanced to it and frowned, "You are being really silly, are you sick?"

"No," I snorted, "Come on, I wanna dance." I whispered, smiling.

And I could easily lose my mind;

Justin sighed softly, smiling, "Okay." He grabbed my wrist, leading me towards the room.

I stumbled behind him, chuckling as I followed.

I glanced to the side, smiling as my eyes met a familiar blue pair.

I furrowed my brows, staring directly at Nash as he stood at the other side of the room, a crowd of drunk teenagers between us, only this time I was shocked to see his eyes rimmed red, and tears staining his face as he seemed to be sobbing.

It almost felt like slow motion, because I'd never seen Nash cry before; I'd be lying if I said I didnt want to know why, but my mind buzzed and I forgot about Nash.

As soon as Justin and I were alone in some form of room, the door closed behind us and the room almost completely dark if not for the glowing fish tank.

Justin smiled shyly up at me, waiting for me to speak.

"I really like you, I want to be boyfriends," I suddenly blurted as if it were word vomit, "People will call me crazy but I know you know what it means to be in a relationship, even if this is your first."

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