Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Justin's POV

"Jason?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes as I stared at him. He was fast asleep, much to my disappointment.

I frowned, unwrapping his arms from around my waist as I got up.

I was still determined to run away, because I had the worst day ever and Derek ruined my life.

I leant over Jason and kissed his cheek, before pulling on my shoes again, and grabbing my bag.

I took a deep breath, checking the time on the clock in the room. 1am.

I pursed my lips, heading out of the room and downstairs quietly, careful not to wake anyone up as I left.

The front door was a bit hard to get out of, but I managed to open the door and close it behind me before walking down the driveway.

I took in a deeo breath, forcing myself to be brave as the cold air nipped at me.

I didn't know where I was going, but I think when you run away, you're not supposed to know...

You just go wherever your feet take you, and my feet were very determined to take me down the road, and towards the subway.

Jason's POV

I somehow felt an emptiness in the pit of my stomach, pushing me to wake up - and when I did, I was confused.

Justin wasnt beside me, so I looked to his bed, which was also empty.

Maybe he fell asleep in Derek and Spencer's room? I didn't think he would after what he told me, but I was hoping it was the truth.

I got to my feet reluctantly, walking out of the room and downstairs towards Spencer and Derek's room.

I just needed to make sure Justin was alright, he seemed to be one of the main things I thought about lately.

I bit my lip, knocking on there door quickly, before attempting to open it, but sadly it was locked.

I pursed my lips to the side. Since when does Spencer lock his door?

Unless he's masterbating or something... Okay, ew because Derek is the room, but now that I think about it, I do recall seeing them kiss the other night... Ha, Derek would kill me if he knew what was going on between Justin and I...

"Is there a reason you're knocking on my door at three in the morning?" Spencer grumbled, which finally made me realize he had opened the door.

"Uh, yeah." I yawned a bit, "Did Justin fall asleep in your room? He's not upstairs."

"No?" Spencer furrowed his brows curiously, "He didnt..."

"What was that about Justin?" Derek popped up behind Spencer, looking at me curiously.

"Nothing... its just he's not in the room... maybe he fell asleep in Dad and Pattie's room?" I shrugged, "You guys check around here while I go upstairs." I stated, not thinking much of it as I headed towards the stairs.


"Where is he?!" Derek screeched, tugging at his hair as he grabbed a coat to pull on.

Spencer frowned, "Maybe he went for a walk- I should stay here just in case he comes back."

"I'm coming." I told Derek as I shrugged on a nice thick jumper and bigger jacket, since it had began to snow.

"Call me if he comes back, I'm going to kill him." Derek grabbed his keys and ran out the front door.

I followed in suit, jumping in the passangers side before Derek drove off on me.

"Did he say anything to you before he left?" Derek asked me, revving the car up a bit before reversing out of the driveway.

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