Chapter Sixteen

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Jason's POV

My grip was strong as I roughly pulled Justin down the hall, heading directly towards the doors of the school.

I just wanted to go to that place within the bunch of trees, and try to calm down. As well as talking to Justin about what happened.

How could Justin do it with Nash?! I should have been his first... I mean, it was obvious Justin would have been a virgin, but being in that closet with Nash probably lead to Nash fucking my boy.

Stupid slutty Nash. Goddamnit.

It wasn't long before we were in the forresty type area I was all too familiar with.

"You need to tell me what the hell you were thinking." I snapped at Justin, turning to face him finally.

My face remained hard, but I internally winced at the sight before me. Justin was sobbing, wailing even? Tears were streaming down along his cheeks, and he was taking little gasps between his sobs.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, my voice harsher than I intended it to be.

Justin let out more sobs, his hands covering his face as he curled away from me, sitting against one of the trees.

I groaned, "Dont cry... You just... You just had sex with Nash!"

Justin whimpered, sniffling unhappily.

"Why the hell did you do it with him? Nash? of all people?" I sneered.

Justin sniffled more, "We didnt do it all yet! That was only step one!" He hiccupped.

"What?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"He was gonna show me sex, so I could make you like me!" Justin yelled, glaring at me through his tears.

"I..." I began, but was just shocked. Did Justin think the only way to get me to like him was sex?

I mean, I do love sex, but that's nothing to do with Justin. I frowned, feeling the guilt once again.

Justin sniffled, bringing his knees to his chest as he continued to cry, "I want Derek."

"Justin," I sighed.

"No! I want my brother, Derek." Justin yelled, "I dont know what to do! You won't like me! It hurts my head and-and you hurt me, I dont know why you hurt me!" Justin sniffled.

I frowned at those words. I suppose I don't have an actual reason to why I say horrid things to Justin, or act the way I do towards him.

I sat beside him, leaning against the tree,  "Look, Justin, I dont know either why I do what I do. I'm not an easy person to be friendly with." I began, running a hand through my hair, "I don't trust people, and I dont do the mushy relationship type of crap either."

"But I like you," Justin sniffled, "You give yucky kisses, and sometimes you smell bad, but I still like you." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes slightly at the comments, but smiled, "I can tell, I just really dont know what to do about that... we're Step-Brother's now, so, I'm not even sure if its legal..." I mumbled.

Justin wiped his eyes and nose on his sleeves, making me cringe a bit, "Wh.. What if we keep it a secret?" Justin asked, shocking me slightly, "I wont tell... Y-you can kiss me... and um, we can cuddle and kiss? And sex..."

"Justin, you aren't ready for sex." I groaned, "Nash shouldn't have-"

"But he stopped, he said he didnt want to because he thinks I should only do it with you." Justin whined, "Please?"

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