Chapter Fifty-Two

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The wedding

Justin's POV

"I'm itchy." I grumbled annoyed as I tugged at the collar of my shirt.

Daddy groaned, "Justin, stop ruining your shirt. Your mum will kill me."

"I hate this stupid outfit." I complained as a bunch of boys walked in the room, including Niall, Jason, Derek, and Spencer.

Niall huffed, "I look like a potato, Liam!" he snapped upset.

I looked at Niall, giggling at the sight of him wearing a suit just like mine, "We're the same!"

"Yeah, we both look like potato's!" Niall grinned.

I frowned, "Nuh uh, Daddy said I look cute."

"Boys, settle down, how about we all get in the group photo now." Jeremy asked.

"How come you're not with mummy? Why aren't you helping her get ready?" I stomped my foot grumpily.

Everyone was in here and nobody was helping her.

"Because she's the bride, Justin and I'm the groom. We arent meant to see each other." Jeremy chuckled, "The boys help the boys and the girls help the girls."

"Thats stupid." I mumbled as Daddy began to push everyone together.

Jeremy nodded, "Okay, after the group shot, Pattie wants one with me, Carter, Spencer, Derek, Justin and Jason, then just me with the four boys." He spoke, straightening his tie.

He walked over and stood behind me while some guy I didn't know prepared to take the photo.

"Could we all pull a nice smile, happy one." he hummed, and everyone began to smile, except for me as I scowled, annoyed with my itchy outfit.

He took the photo, plus a couple more after, before everyone shuffled and I was standing in front of my Daddy, and Jeremy.

"Could we get the shorter one in the middle?" the guy said, causing Derek to pull me between him, and Spencer.

I wanted to stand next to Jason, so I pushed Spencer out of the way, moving closer to Jason.

"Justin," Spencer groaned and moved between me and Derek.

Jason chuckled a little, "What a lovely family photo."

"I'm gonna touch your butt." I grinned up at him.

"You'll what?" Jeremy asked confused.

"Smile!" the photographer yelled.


"From the first moment I saw you, I knew we'd become something special..."

I groaned, rolling my head back tiredly. This wedding was taking forever.

I wanted to go to sleep, but we had to wait for it to be finished. We were on the open part of the ship, and some of the other people on the ship were watching the wedding from the railing.

Jason was standing next to Jeremy, because he was something called a best man... I dont know what that means - but Jason is the best. So.

I wanted to be with him, it's not even fair.

Niall poked my shoulder from behind me, causing me to look back at him.

"Want cake?" Niall asked, pulling out a cupcake from his pocket.

"How'd you get that?" I giggled.

"I snuck it." He grinned, breaking it in half, giving me the smaller one.

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