Chapter Thirty-Five

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Derek's POV

I huffed, "Justin, don't ignore me. Unlock this door right now." I pounded my fists against the bathroom door angrily.

"No!" Justin yelled back, "I dont want to go to school!"

"Well too bad, Mum said you had to." I pounded harder, growing frustrated with the stubborn idiot.

Its Monday morning and Justin was refusing what I was telling him to do.

Its all because Jason is sick - he hasn't left his bed since early hours Sunday morning... not even to empty his bladder or eat and drink.

Spencer has checked on him, but he's just grumpily told him he wasnt feeling well and to fuck off.

Typical Jason - despite being sick and all.

"I want to stay home with Jason." Justin whined.

"You can't, Justin." I growled, "If you don't get out of the bathroom in ten seconds, I'll bust down this door and drag you by the hair." I threatened as I grew impatient with his attitude.

"I will tell Mummy on you!" Justin argued.

"She's not here, so you're screwed." I stated, huffing, "Justin, we're going to be late."

"Yeah but I'm not going... maybe I'm sick too." Justin let a little giggle out as he tried to fake cough.

I rolled my eyes.

"Just stick a knife through the hinge and it'll pop open." Spencer cleared his throat, so I glanced towards him and smiled as he passed me a knife.

"How did you work this one out?" I asked amused.

"Jason used to lock himself in the bathroom after sneaking out and binge drinking, so my Dad would make me open the door in order for him to check on Jason," Spencer explained, while I stuck the knife in the hinge of the door, "He has had habits of passing out from throwing up in the past."

I cringed at the thought of that, "Nasty." I said as the door popped open, and Justin began screaming - nothing new.

I barged in and groaned, "Justin Drew Bieber, get out of that bathtub right now." I scowlded in my best parental voice.

Justin was in the empty tub, shaking his head wildly while I sauntered over to him and lifted him up easily.

"No! Nooooo!" He screamed, kicking and thrashing his legs and arms about as I carried him to his and Jason's room, so he could get dressed for school.

"Stop it." I growled, throwing him onto his bed while grabbing some clothes for him to wear.

"I dont want to go!" Justin crossed his arms, "I want to look after Jason."

"Jason is sick and you have to go to school..He can look after himself." I snapped, tossing clothes at my ignorant brother.

He was beginning to drive me crazy.

"I dont have to listen to you. You're not the boss. Mummy said to listen to Jason not you." Justin poked his tongue out at me.

"You know what, I dont care." I sneered, "If you're not dressed in ten minutes I'll drag you to school in your pajamas." I glared.

"Will not." Justin huffed.

"Try me." I glared.

"I will."

××××Thirty minutes later××××

Justin was screaming and crying hysterically in the back seat of my Mums family van as I drove he, Spencer and I to school.

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