Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Justin's POV

I shivered badly in the cold as I searched through my bag for a thicker jumper, since the one I was wearing wasn't keeping me warm.

I was on the train, with one other person as it headed to the Times Square. I love Times Square, because of all the pretty lights and colours.

I wonder how many people would be there now.

"Oi, what ya got in there?" The guy sitting across from me asked. I looked up, confused, was he talking to me? "You death or something, kid? I said, what's in the bag?"

I blushed, "Nothing-"

"Give it to me," He stood up and I shrunk in my seat.

"It's mine." I told him.

"Not anymore, hand it over." He spat, yanking my backpack from my lap.

"Hey!" I shouted, "Give it back!" I stood up and the guy drew a knife from his pocket.

"Sit the fuck down, bitch." He sneered as the train stopped, and he got off.

I whimpered as he held the knife up and stood outside the doors, waiting for it to close and the train to start moving.

I felt my eyes water up as the train whisked away and the man had all my stuff.

My favorite teddy was in there.


I kind of wish I didn't runaway now that I'm in Times Square all alone.

There were a lot of people walking around, but I didn't know any of them. I wanted to go home.

I was tired, and hungry, and cold.

I sighed and sat on a familiar bench... I think I sat here before, oh well.

"You don't seem the type to be out here at this time?" A voice spoke from behind me.

I turned around and stared at a boy, which I remember from a while ago when I came here with Jason, Derek and Spencer - the boy with the dirty face and was asking me for money so he could get food - only this time he isn't really dirty, he looks cleaner and he's dressed in really nice clothes.

"You're the boy who sat here a while ago, right? I asked you for change, remember?" He walked over and sat beside me, sipping on some warm drink in a disposable coffee cup.

"My brother dragged me away." I frowned, "He didnt let me give you money, sorry. I dont have any on me. It's at home."

"Its okay, I dont need any money anymore, I got a job now." He grinned, "I'm Alex, and you are?"

"Justin." I smiled, "I wish I could get a job, but I'm not old enough."

Alex shrugged, "My job isnt fun, it's only to earn money I really need. Now I've got nice clean clothes, a place to sleep and some food to keep me going."

"Oh," I swung my feet back and forth, "So, do you like chocolate?"

"Not really, why?" Alex rose a brow.

"Dunno, how come you don't like chocolate? Everyone loves chocolate." I smiled.

"I hate sweets, just too much sugar." Alex smiled, chuckling, "Why are you out here at this time?"

"I ran away because my brother ruined my life." I explained, licking my lips.

"How did he manage that?" Alex asked, sipping his hot drink.

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