Chapter Seventeen

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Spencer's POV

Derek has completely lost it. Like, he just barged out to the backyard and is cursing up a storm.

If I'm honest, it kind of scares me - I have never seen him like that.

Pattie seemed to be trying to ignore the fact Derek was kicking a tree, instead continuing to cook dinner like nothing was happening.

I stood in the dining room, giving my Dad a look, asking silently what was going on, but he just shrugged and shook his head, before getting up and helping Pattie.

"Why is Derek upset?" Justin whined, walking in the room with a huff, he looked tired, which surprises me because he was a usual bundle of energy.

Jesus, are the Bieber's having some sort of meltdown?

"Never you mind that," Pattie hummed, "I'm sure you boys have homework, maybe you should go in the lounge and do that." It wasnt a question, you could tell by the tone.

"But I hate math." Justin whined, in which I gently pushed him toward the lounge room.

"I'll help you, Justin. It'll be easy." I said, my eyes casting along his neck, and I let out a gasp.

Grabbing his wrist and running up the stairs, I groaned.

"We missed the lounge room." Justin whined as I pulled him in the bathroom.

"Who gave you that?" I pointed to the fairly sized hickey on his neck. It wasnt that big, but the fact you could see slight teeth marks gave it away. "If your mother or Derek spot this mark, you'll be in big trouble." I told him.

Justin frowned, "How do they know where it came from?"

"Because, you only get those marks when someone sucks on your skin, the suction pressure brings all the blood up and if you're not careful you'll get a blood clot." I warned him, because it was true, you can actually develope blood clots from hickeys.

Justin blushed, trying to cover it with his hand, but I gently smacked it away.

"I've already seen it." I rolled my eyes, "So who gave it to you? Was it Jason?" I mean, its weird how I found out Jason kissed Justin, I could've sworn Jason was straight...

Justin blushed even more, "No... Nash did it." He smiled.

"Oh?" Nash? Wow, seriously, is Jason and his friends playing some screwed up game with his friends?

Justin nodded, "He was gonna show me sex, but then he didnt because he said Jason should."

I face palmed, "Jason is not showing you what sex is. Your mother would kill him."

"But," Justin began.

"No, just,  we need to hide this mark before anyone else sees it." I frowned, grabbing one of Pattie's liquid foundations, to cover the hickey.

Justin frowned, crossing his arms as I rubbed the foundation over his mark, slowly blending it in with his skin. Luckily its almost the same tone.

Justin gave me a scowl, to which I simply rolled my eyes at. Some people think Justin is cute, but there's times I swear the kid is plotting murder.

If only you could see the glare he was giving me right now, you'd side with me.

"All done." I nodded.

"Good. I will go sex with Jason even if you say no." Justin blurted, before stomping out of the room.

Yes, he was actually stomping.

He and Jason would be absolutely perfect, have fun dealing with that, Jase. I chuckled and shook my head.

Jason's POV


Almost everyone had gone to bed, Derek was the first surprisingly since he had been outside yelling most of the night, but he came in and went straight to bed.

Dad and Pattie also headed into their rooms around half an hour ago, which left Spencer, Justin and I in the lounge room watching The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air re-runs.

This episode consisted of Ashley wanting to be a cheerleader, and Aunt Viv having some form of mid life crisis after turning Forty, which was kind of funny to watch.

Spencer let out a yawn, rubbing his eyes, "I'm going to bed." He stood up, stretching his arms.

I nodded, not really caring as Spencer walked out of the room.

Justin yawned, making me raise a brow, "Tired?" I asked.

Justin shook his head, denying it but I could tell he was going to probably fall asleep any second now.

"Just go to bed if you're tired." I flicked my wrist at him.

"But you said you'd talk tonight." Justin frowned, "Please?"

"Lets talk about it tomorrow night instead." I sighed.

"But," Justin let out another yawn, "I really want to know what you... think and mm," Justin's eyes fluttered closed, obviously unable to stay awake as he laid down on the couch, falling asleep before he officially finished his sentence.

I shook my head and smiled, switching off the TV, before grabbing the sheet off of the small recliner, throwing it over Justin and tucking him in a bit.

I havent really thought of how I actually felt, but I didnt really want to find out just yet. I wished Justin had some form of patience, because I know for a fact School is gonna be hell tomorrow when I go.

I sighed, walking upstairs to go to bed, trying to think about what my next step is.

Nash happened to be my main thought though, I may have gone too far with what I did to him in the janitors closet... hopefully its nothing I regret.

Author's Note; Im still not over this Zayn thing, but I'm just glad he's doing this for himself, to be happy.

Anywho, thoughts about this chapter?  :) xx

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