Chapter Twenty-One

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Spencer's POV

Friday, 4pm

"Okay, this is really sudden." Dad sighed as he rubbed Pattie's back whilst they stood in the lounge room in front of Jason, Justin, Derek and I.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, my aunty had a fall and she wants me to go up their so she can meet Jeremy, since she isnt sure whether she'll be able to make it to the wedding... we need to fly to Las Vegas tonight." Pattie frowned.

"So we get the house to ourselves?" Jason piped up, grinning.

"Don't get any ideas, Jason." Dad pointed, "And it seems as though you boys do."

"We're taking Justin with us, but we trust you three will keep the house clean?" Pattie added.

I smiled, alone time with Derek? Hell yeah.

It's not like Jason will hang out with us, so it was highly likely.

"I dont want to go." Justin huffed.

"I dont think Derek wants to look after you, honey." Pattie sighed.

"But... Derek, tell her." Justin whined, giving Derek begging eyes.

Pfft, it better not work cause I want Derek to myself. Oh wow that sounded a bit too desperate.

"Don't force your brother into babysitting." Pattie scolded.

"Sorry Justin, not really up to looking after anyone this weekend. Spencer and I have plans." Derek said, typing on his phone.

Did he just point out we had plans? Sucked in Justin, you heard the ma-Why the heck do I sound like a thirteen year old girl with a crush?

"I could look after Justin." Jason said suddenly, "I mean, I dont have any plans, and if you pay me I will totally do it."

"Uh," Pattie frowned, seemingly unsure of whether she wanted to leave her innocent child with the devil spawn.

"Can we even trust you?" Dad rose a brow at Jason.

Jason shrugged, "Guess you can find out."

Justin let out a whine, "Pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeee?"

"Well," Pattie sighed, "If anything happens to him, I will not be happy at all... so okay, you can stay Justin, but listen to Jason, understood?"

I chewed my bottom lip as Justin nodded.

"So when are you two leaving?" I asked curiously.

"Soon, the cab is on its way, so we're leaving Pattie's car here." Dad smiled.

"Derek, you can drive it as long as you fill it back up, okay?" Pattie added.

Derek grinned, "Oh goody."

I smiled, "Well," I looked towards the window and noticed a yellow cab pull into the drive way, "The cabs here so thats your cue to leave."

"No parties or friends over, boys." Dad said, rushing to the hall to grab his bags and Pattie's.

Jason's POV

Once Pattie and Dad had left, I was trying to withhold excitement. I grinned and stood up.

"Have fun dealing with Justin, Spencer and I are going to a party tonight." Derek snorted, crossing his arms at me.

"We'll see you there." I winked.

"What?" Derek glared, "You cant take Justin to a party!"

"I get to go to a party?!" Justin squealed in excitement.


"No!" Derek stood up and gave me a stern glare.

"I'm baby sitting him, Derek." I flipped him off, "So excuse us."

I pulled Justin to his feet and led him to the room.

I had a keen idea to show Justin some of the normal high school rebelious things in life, instead of having been babied during a key part of a persons life.

Its possibly a crazy idea, and I might fuck it up, but hey, I think if I get drunk enough I'll be able to explain to Justin how I really feel.

Unlikely, but possible.

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