Chapter Nineteen

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Derek's POV

I couldnt focus during class at all today. I had so much on my mind, and I just wanted to talk to someone about it... but who?

Justin? No, he wouldnt understand, and he'd probably just be confused as to why I was bringing up Hunter.

Mum is also a no, its her fault all these feelings are returning.

I sighed angrily, a headache beginning to form.

"Um, Derek?" A gentle hand was placed on my shoulder, making me jump.

I looked at Spencer, frowning, "Sorry..."

"No, its okay... uh, the teacher wants us to go take those to the supply closet." He motioned towards two boxes on the teachers desk.

I nodded, "Okay." I stood up and gave him a hand, taking the heavier box.

As we made our way out of the class, I bit my bottom lip.

"Is everything okay?" Spencer asked softly.

"Uh, you wouldn't understand." I shook my head, walking into the supply closet - which was already open - and placed the box on the floor.

Spencer placed his box beside mine.

"I understand a lot of things that would surprise you." Spencer smiled and shook his head.

I eyed him, leaning against the doorframe, "You wont tell anyone if I tell you, right?"

Spencer glanced outside the door momentarily, before shaking his head, "No, of course not."

"Uh, my mum invited my ex boyfriend on the wedding cruise." I frowned, sighing, "The one I told you was dead."

"Oh... okay?" Spencer looked completely confused, "Why did you tell me he was dead if he's going on this cruise? Obviously alive."

"Well," I sighed, biting my bottom lip, "The last time we saw each other, we had a really bad arguement." I left out what the arguement was about, since it wasnt for anyone elses ears other than Hunter's and my own, "We got in a car crash, the car was T-boned and well, Hunter's side of the car got most of the blow." I mumbled.

"Oh my, was he okay?" Spencer gasped.

I licked my lips, "He survived with damage to his left arm, he cant function it well, it pretty much just dangles by his side.... he can sort of lifted it but from what I heard he had severe nerve damage..." I frowned, feeling sick as I said that, "He sent me a text after the incident, dumping me, and pretty much said we weren't worth the effort of trying.... I was really hurt by it,"

"So you told people he was dead so you wouldnt have to tell them he dumped you?" Spencer furrowed his brows.

"Well yeah," I was surprised he was so spot on.

"Is it because you still love him?" He asked, a bit of a frown on his lips.

"I dont know... I have no idea if we even loved each other." I shook my head, "I just dont want to see him. I dont want anything to do with him."

"Oh." Spencer looked down, beginning to get lost in his own thoughts.

"Hey Spence?" I bit my bottom lip, watching as he looked at me, "You still wanna go to the party with me on Friday, right?" I asked, hoping he wouldnt back out after I told him all of this.

Spencer smiled at me warmly, his cheeks showing slight dimples, "Partying isn't really my thing."

"Oh." I frowned.

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