Chapter Forty

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Spencer's POV

I sighed, rubbing my tired eyes while I waited for Derek and Jason to return with Justin, seeing as Derek had sent a text stating they found him and he was okay.

I was relieved at that; who knows what Pattie would have done to us all if she found out Justin ran away - we'd be brutally murdered and on the front page of the daily newspaper the next day.

I sighed again, getting to my feet and pacing the room - I texted my friends to let them know that Justin was alright and thanked them for helping, which then they said it was okay and stuff.

I didnt know what to do while I waited for Derek - and Jason and Justin - I was bored, and I doubt any of us would attend school today.

I hated missing school, as weird as that sounded - and no, I don't like missing it because of social status, I hated missing any experience to learn something new.

I took a seat on a recliner and frowned, yawning quietly.

I suppose with the experience I had with Derek last night, that was like learning something new.

I blushed at the mere thought of last night. First time I've let anyone touch me down there, let alone see it.

I may or may not have been eager to experience more of that - I actually cant believe how brutally blunt I was with Derek when I asked for it - God, can I be anymore stupid?

But I suppose that its good I did ask, because that would have never happened if I didnt.

I smiled stupidly at myself, shaking my head.

The front door suddenly opened and the slight sun rise crept into the house as I sat in the nearby lounge room.

I looked towards the area and stood up quickly as Derek rushed in, his face hard as he pulled a crying Justin in behind him, shortly after Jason walked in, somewhat shameful.

"Go sit on your bed, Justin." Derek demanded softly, pushing Justin towards the stairs.

Justin sniffled, running upstairs without a word.

"Is everything alright?" I asked curiously.

"No, it isn't." Derek snapped his head towards Jason, glaring, "How could you manipulate Justin into that?"

"I didnt do anything like that, Derek." Jason frowned, "I'm not using or forcing him in any way."

"He's fourteen and you're seventeen, that seems downright using." Derek growled, clenching his fist.

"Well Spencer is fifteen and you're sixteen-"

"What has this got to do with me? what's going on?" I asked, frowning.

"Justin and I are boyfriends," Jason mumbled and I shrugged.

"As if you dont see the issue with that?" Derek eyed me.

"I get that we're all step-brothers, but it doesn't matter," I began.

"Step-Brothers?" Derek snorted, "Its not that. You both know Justin is autistic, and very naïve," Derek spat, "He doesn't understand a fucking relationship, you idiots."

"Derek," I frowned.

"Who the hell are you to say he doesn't understand?" Jason became furious, "Just because he is slow on a few things, you dont think he knows what love is? He knows the difference between certain love... he understands a lot more than you ever could." Jason pointed a finger at Derek and I now, "Don't think I don't know what goes on between you two, I've seem you kiss, I remember that clearly, and I bet you a million dollars that the way Justin and I feel about each other is a lot more real than what you two feel."

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