Chapter Fifty-One

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Jason's POV

"Hi Jasey!" Justin hugged me from behind suddenly as I leant against the railing, staring out at the dark sea.

It was around 9pm, everyone was off doing activities. I had decided to chill by myself, since earlier I had dinner with my friends and played table tennis with them.

I was enjoying the silence until Justin popped up, but I'd missed the kid since he'd been staying at his dad's for so long.

I sighed, smiling at the smaller boy burying his face in my back.

"How come you're all by yourself?" He pouted, pushing his way around me and into my arms.

He was acting overly cuddly, but I didn't mind.

"I'm just bored, felt like watching the water." I shrugged.

"Can I touch your peepee?" Justin grinned.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. All day he'd been trying to touch my dick. I didnt understand why he was so eager?

Every chance he got, he literally had his hand out asking me if he could touch it. Why the hell was he interested in my dick all of a sudden?

I wanted to know what his innocent little head was going through.

Well, I really need to stop calling him innocent.

"Please?" He whined, his fingers cheekily hooking at the waist band of my jeans.

I gripped his wrists, pulling his hand away before leaning down to kiss his lips gently, "Stop." I mumbled against his lips.

The last thing I want is him to start something that I won't allow him or myself to finish. One hand job was enough.

I love this kid, but if he keeps this up my body is gonna want sex.

"Why?" Justin mumbled back.

"Because I said so." I pulled back, "You need to listen to me, okay baby?" I said, trying to keep a smile hidden.

"Not fair-"

"Justin!" A voice cut him off, and I turned to see Niall, Justin's little friend standing behind us.

"Hi Niall." Justin giggled.

"Our mummies said we have to go to bed now." Niall pouted.

"Oh," Justin frowned.

"We can watch a movie, though!" Niall beamed.

Justin giggled, "Okay!"

"I'll see you tomorrow." I let go of Justin, standing aside.

"Night Jasey." He beamed.

"Night Justin." I replied, nodding my head.

I was kind of sad to see him run off with Niall, since I did want to hang out with him for a little longer.

I leant against a pole, sighing to myself. Oh Justin, the only boy I've felt this crazy for.


Spencer's POV

I laughed as Derek twirled me around in his arms, the both of us dancing down the corridor.

We had just finished our date, and had filled ourselves up with chocolate sundae's. It was the cutest thing ever.

I felt like we were an actual couple.

"So, smartass, how many colleges have you applied to before we left?" Derek asked cheekily, knowing how lately I'd been sending out college letters, hoping to get a scholarship somewhere.

I was really good in school, and passed a lot of necessary requirement subjects, that they think I'd be able to graduate early.

I felt like a genius.

I had already been accepted a scholarship at a college, but the problem was it was in a different town, thirteen hours away from our home.

I was dying to tell him about it, but at the moment I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go there...

I didnt want to be far away from Derek, not that I'd admit it to his face...

"Just two." I lied, smiling.

"You look so cute when you're being a dork." Derek joked as he kissed my cheek quickly.

I blushed, "Shut up"

"Make me." He snickered, causing me to lean up and kiss him.

Lately I'd been growing in confidence around him. It felt empowering.

The sound of someone clearing their throat caused us to pull apart, our eyes landing on Hunter, Derek's ex.

"Sorry for interrupting..." He murmured.

"Its fine." Derek bit his bottom lip, staring at him.

I swallowed, feeling a little uncomfortable suddenly. Is there something going on that I don't understand?

Is it supposed to feel this weird when you're in the room with a guy you're kind of seeing, and his ex?

"So are you two..." Hunter began.

"Kinda." Derek nodded, "We're testing it out to see if we like each other."

Derek, I can tell you right now that I already like you.

Hunter nodded," Did you just finish a date?"

"Yeah." Derek smiled small.

"Oh cool... Did you guys wanna join me? I was gonna go check out the rock climbing wall." Hunter stated.

"Actually I'm pretty tired," I began, but Derek spoke up.

"Sounds fun, I'm totally up for it..." Derek nodded, looking at me, "It'll be fun..." He pushed.

I felt uneasy about the whole situation, so I shook my head, "You guys go ahead... I'll see you later."

"Okay.." Derek pecked my cheek, before he began walking away with Hunter, both starting to talk about something and laughing along together.

For some reason, I began to get really jealous....

They're over though, so nothing's gonna happen right?

Author's Note; So, there's literally only going to be one or two chapters before this book is finished...

But then there's a sequel! Whoop whoop!

Haha, y'all probably gonna hate me on where this story finishes up on, but you'll live.

Vote, review, fan xx

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