Chapter Thirty-Four

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Derek's POV

After washing Jason's hair and - shudders from bad memories - literally pulling him out of the bath tub, drying him and dressing him, before dragging him to his own bed and laying him beside Justin, Spencer and I went to bed.

Do you understand how hard it is not to look at a guys penis even when you don't want to? Damn hard, I tell you. Its like curiousity gets the best of you (literally) and somehow you find yourself glancing at the no-no zone.

So if you're wondering, yes, I saw Jason's dick.

I've been burdened by the image all night - I think I'm scarred or something... I might need a therapist.

I was pretty much chilling with my eyes closed at the moment, seeing if there was any way of getting rid of memories, but nope - no way - Not one. single. way.

"I can hear you grunting, you better not be masterbating." Spencer's voice groggily spoke up, and I huffed.

"I'm not, I just can't help it... I saw a monster." I whined.

"I thought you told me that we shouldnt worry about helping him because we're the same gender or some crap?" Spencer mused, and I sat up pouting at him.

"Doesn't mean I wanted to see it." I crossed my arms.

"Well, I've gotten over the image, its easy." Spencer chuckled, "Try thinking of someone famous naked."

I hummed, then cringed, "Now I'm picturing Betty White naked with a penis."

"Okay, disturbing." Spencer noted.

"Now I'm picturing you naked." I hummed, trying to hide my smile as the thoughts just flooded in.

"Worse?" He rose a brow.

"So much better." I sighed happily, "If only you were a proffessional stripper."

"Okay, ew." Spencer snorted, "You need to go back to sleep."

"What time is it?"

"11am, but you're delusional." Spencer chuckled.

"If I go to sleep now, I'll have a wet dream." I pouted, "You know my first wet dream was about my Basketball assistant coach - the next day I quit the team afraid I'd attempt to rape him."

"That's not at all making me feel comfortable." Spencer laughed.

"Its okay, I've learned to control my penis since then." I smiled lazilly.

"Come on, we should check and make sure the boys didnt wake and destroy the house." Spencer shook his head and got to his feet, waiting for me.

I grinned happily, getting up and kissing his cheek naturally.

"Is that going to be a normal thing?" Spencer asked curiously, his cheeks growing red.

I didnt bother to word my reply, just leant forward and kissed him again - this time on the lips, before walking out of the room casually.

Once we made it into the lounge room, everyone had shifted spots in their sleeping arrangement, for example; Calum and Josh were the only ones on the blow up mattress, and Niall happened to be downstairs, cuddled up with Liam on the long couch.

He must've come down while everyone was sleeping - it's something Justin would do if he was uncomfortable where he's sleeping.

"Wanna help make breakfast with me?" Spencer asked me with a hopeful smile.

I smiled, "Of course I do."

Justin's POV

I rubbed at my eyes, sitting up and pouting at the sight of Jason's face looking towards my way, but he was fast asleep, snoring.

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