Chapter Thirty-Two

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Derek's POV

"Hey guys, do you wanna play tag team in Call Of Duty?" Spencer smiled, setting up the PS3 in the lounge.

Louis, Calum and Josh nodded as they sat on the long couch, Louis wearing some soccer jersey - I think because he's on the team, maybe?

Liam had a squirming Niall in his grasp sitting on the recliner while Spencer and I shared the smaller sofa.

"Cut it out, Ni." Liam grumbled as Niall wiggled.

"No..You said Justin was here. Where is he LiLi?" Niall demanded,  banging his fists against Liam's legs.

"If you don't stop you'll be sitting in Louis' car." Liam growled.

Spencer and the boys pretty much ignored them as they began the game.

"I can take him up to see Justin, if you want?" I offered.

"Yes!" Niall nodded, prying Liam's hands from his waist as he stood up.

"If he acts up just let me know." Liam sighed.

I nodded and stood up, leading Niall towards the stairs.

Justin's POV

I blushed brightly, "Make it go away." I frowned, "Or call an ambulance!"

"It's normal, Justin. All boys get these at least once in their lifetime." Jason chuckled as he laid beside me, rubbing the red mark on my hip.

I let out a whine, "But it wont go down... It doesn't feel right."

"Alright," Jason sighed, "Think of something gross."

I bit my lip, thinking of Jason with the same thing I have, but that only made me feel funnier and blush more.

"I said something gross; You're literally getting harder.... I can see." Jason let out another laugh, kissing my cheek.

"I dont know what to think about." I whined, glaring at him.

"Baby puke, poo, snot... off milk." Jason hummed as he listed off.

"Yuck!" I cringed, thinking about all that gross stuff - and soon enough my problem was no longer there.

"There you go." Jason grinned, kissing my lips quickly before pulling away as someone knocked on the bedroom door.

"Justin? Jason? Hello..." Derek's voice spoke as he knocked.

I sat up, pushing my shirt back down as I climbed over Jason to get off the bed.

"Is he gonna say sorry?" I asked Jason with a smile.

Jason shrugged, "I dont know... but I'm gonna go to Nash's house to fix things, okay?" He said, starting to type on his phone.

I smiled and unlocked the door,  opening it.

I squealed at the sight of my blonde friend, "Niall!"

"Justin!" He squealed back, throwing his arms around me as we hugged.

"You two can play but don't be leaving the house nor yell loudly, alright?" Derek said.

I giggled, nodding, "Come see my room, Niall." I smiled and dragged him into the room to see my bed and stuffed toys.

"Right, well, I'm going out. Be back later." Jason murmured.

"It's dark out now-"

"Oh I'm so scared." Jason snorted as he cut off Derek.

"Do you realize this neighbourhood is like some form of gang territory!" Derek groaned.

"No yelling in my room!" I shouted, pushing Jason out of the room and closing the door so he and Derek could leave me and Niall alone.

"You have a DS?" Niall asked as he sat on my bed, playing with my lite blue DS.

I giggled, "Yes, I also got a DSI too... Derek gave it to me because he doesnt like Nintendo games... only if its Mario." I said, pulling out the DSI from the drawers next to my bed, "Want to play Mario Kart?" I asked, curious as I sat beside him on my bed.

"Okay, then we should do something else." Niall giggled and I nodded.

Jason's POV

I ignored Derek's whining about me walking outside during the night - seriously I've done it plenty of times before.

'I want to get lost and drive forever, we can talk about nothing, yeah whatever babe, So we're taking the long way home. - Hitting every red light, kissing at the stop signs, Darling. Green Day's on the radio. And everything is alright, now we're turning out the headlights, Darling. We're just taking it slow.'

I smiled as my earphones blasted Long Way Home (5SOS song but shhhhh) as I casually walked down the road, my thick jacket keeping me warm.

I was heading to Nash's house to fulfill the wishes of Justin's - I meant what I said when I told him I'd do anything - Including this crap.

I texted Nash and let him know I was going to his to talk, and he replied with a simple,  'Okay then.'

The street lights were quite dim, but it was usual in this area to have crappy lighting.

I kept my eyes downcast at the snow filled walkways, cursing each time I partially slipped on ice.

As I continued to walk, I noticed bright headlights heading down towards my way at the end of the road, but couldnt make out what kind of car it was because the stupid asshole had their high-beams on, blinding me the son of a bitch.

I had to pull my hand out of my pocket to cover the roaring brightness coming from it.

I couldn't hear shit with the music blasting through my earphones either.

But as soon as I felt someone grip my shoulders, I didnt care how blind and deaf I was currently - I bolted for my life.

I'm not exactly clear on what happened next, but I believe I may have slipped over before I was consumed by darkness.

Oh fuck.

Spencer's POV

"Hey, you cheated!" I accused Liam as his player shot and killed mine.

Liam snorted, "I did no such thing, now you lost... I wanna verse Derek."

"Oh, you guys can have your fun..." Derek shook his head.

"Don't be stupid, mate - join in." Louis grinned, pulling out his phone,  "You can totally take my spot... I got someone picking me up at the moment-"

"Lover boy?" Josh snickered, grinning at him.

"Oh leave him and Harry alone." Calum grinned, wiggling his brows.

"Wait, you mean Mr. Styles? Justin and Niall's teacher?" Derek furrowed his brows, "Isnt that illegal?"

Louis rolled his eyes, "Highly - but he's never been my teacher... like, if we came out publicly a year after I graduate from school it would be fine... I mean, we met out of high school anyway..." Louis stated.

"Its highly creepy you're dating my brothers teacher." Liam noted.

Louis grinned, "Its the reason Niall gets to eat in class so stop your whining."

Derek shook his head and smiled as Louis got up.

Calum, Josh, Derek, Liam and I said out goodbyes to Louis as he walked out to meet his boyfriend.

"I'm gonna make some food, so after Derek finishes we can watch a movie." I stated, getting up.

"You're our favorite!" Calum shouted and I rolled my eyes.

"I suppose you boys are staying the night since Lou left with his car keys, which means you lot are stuck here." I grinned.

"I can buy pizza for us all then." Liam grinned, "I got paid this morning."

I smiled, "Okay, but I'm still gonna pop some popcorn, don't screw around and skip my turn." I warned as I went off towards the kitchen.

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