Chapter One

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Jeremy's POV

It was our third date. A wonderful woman I met a few months ago and I had gotten to know each other very well.

Her name was Pattie, and she was the most caring woman I had possibly ever heard of.

We spent a lot of time together, after I had began going to church for an alcohol related problem. I knew I was slowly developing a drinking problem, but seeked help before I ended up hurting myself, or someone else.

She was the one who made everyone who went there a tea or coffee, even handing out her home made baked goods.

I found myself spending an extra hour or so after the meetings, talking to her... and before we knew it, I had asked her on a date and she accepted happily.

I had a feeling this was going to be a strong relationship, and I was attracted to her as much as she was attracted to me.

Pattie smiled happily, holding my hand as we watched Into The Woods at the drive-in's. It was a cheesey date teenages were more likely to go on, but we both admitted to each other we had never experienced proper dates when we were younger.

"I think I love you," I admitted during the movie, nervous as ever as the words slipped from my mouth.

Pattie turned to me, rubbing my hand as her cheeks tinted into a pink colour, "I think I love you too, Jeremy."

And we leant over towards each other, sharing a sweet kiss, almost as if we were childhood sweethearts.

It was the start of something new, I think. As much as I still mourned over my last girlfriend - the one I had two children to, it wasn't love we had shared. But with Pattie, it was true love.

a month later...

"Jason, Spencer, I have big news." I smiled at my son's as they sat on the couch in our living room.

Jason was on his phone, uninterested by my words, while Spencer read from his History book.

"Can you please look at me for five seconds?" I groaned, snatching the book and phone from them.

"Hey!" Spencer and Jason shouted at the same time. I rolled my eyes at the two.

"I need to tell you both something important." I stated.

"What is it?" Spencer sighed, crossing his arms.

"Can I have my phone?" Jason huffed.

"I am getting married." I blurted with a huge grin.

"What?!" Jason and Spencer screamed at me.

"Are you trying to ruin my life?" Jason growled.

"I dont want you to get married. Our life doesnt need interruptions!" Spencer debated.

"Spencer, Jason, I am in love with a woman who is the most sweetest person you could ever know. She makes me happy, and she will not ruin our lives. She will make it better." I stated simply, "And she's moving in with her two son's on Friday."

"But Dad, there's no room here for her and her son's!" Jason groaned, "Its a three bedroomed house!"

"Which is why you'll be sharing a room with one of them. And as will you, Spencer." I said, "Her youngest is rooming with you, Jase, and her eldest with you, Spencer." I added.

"I have to room with the youngest?!" Jason asked in disbelief.

"You have the largest room, and it's closest to my room, which he requires to be near his Mum. Please dont turn this into an argument, boys." I sighed, throwing them their phone and book back, "We need a change."

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