Chapter Forty-Six

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Jason's POV

"You got him what?!" Pattie shrieked as we all sat around the table.

Justin and Derek's father and father's friend sat directly across from Pattie and Dad as they chatted amongst each other.

I'd say the dinner was going well, until Justin - who sat beside me - told Pattie about his new lizard, Percy.

"I thought he should have something he could take responsibility for while he stayed with me," Carter smiled, "Kyle and I like lizards."

I just watched in amusement, eating some schnitzel, mash potato and salad - something Derek and Spencer had cooked together.

"I'm sure you both do, but seriously, Justin cant even tie his own shoelaces... what if he forgets to feed it?" Pattie pursed her lips, sipping on a glass of water.

I rose a brow, "He's not an idiot." I blurted, a bit surprised when everyone's eyes snapped in my direction.

"Jason, mind your manners when the adults are talking, please." Dad narrowed his eyes at me.

I put my hands up in mock surrender, unsure as to why my Dad had been a bit snappy at me.

He's only been back for a few hours, and he'd been snapping at me quite a bit. I don't know what I did wrong.

I kind of wanted to hide away in my room, but overly enjoyed the fact Justin was back.

"He is right, though. Justin isn't an idiot." Carter sent me a small smile, as if he were silently apologizing for my own father's attitude, "Justin needs responsibility, you said it yourself, Patricia."

"Dont call me Patricia, it makes me feel old." Pattie sighed, shaking her head.

I glanced at Justin, relieved that he was far too distracted with his meal to listen to the conversation between the old farts.

I looked over to Spencer and Derek, biting my lip as I watched the two converse quietly.

I felt like an odd sheep at that moment, rolling my eyes. Not that I cared all too much.

The sudden feeling of a hand on my thigh knocked me out of my thoughts sooner than I thought, causing me to look down at the hand way too close for comfort.

I narrowed my eyes at Justin, "What are you doing?" I whispered lowly, his face turned away from mine casually.

His lips twitched upwards - is he smirking? Is that innocent kitten smirking right now?

"I swear to Go-umf." I clapped a hand over my mouth as Justin's hand went far and beyond.

His hand was on my crotch.

I repeat; Justin's hand was on my crotch.

"Don't you dare-" I begun, when Justin squeezed gently.

I quickly gripped the tables sides, moving my hand down to pull Justin's wrist away.

Justin squeezed harder, painfully harder.

I squeaked, "Fuck,"

"Don't move my hand away." Justin whispered, before giggling a little, "Daddy says I gotta be confident."

"Not at the table." I grunted in pain, "You're hurting me."

"Then don't move my hand... just sit there and wait." Justin smiled innocently.

I take back that actually, there was no way Justin was innocent.

He spends a few days or so at his Dad's and he comes back with a sexual vision in his head.

Was he actually going to palm me at the table with our family?

I had no idea why I was retreating my hand, but I dont know whether or not I was enjoying or regretting this.

Justin's hand slowly rubbed me up and down, his smile evident.

I felt myself start to grow hard at the friction, closing my eyes tightly for a few seconds before I looked at everyone at the table in hopes they wouldn't notice.

Derek's POV

"So have you thought about who you'd invite to the wedding?" Spencer asked curiously, "I don't know if you have anyone in mind..."

"Not really, if Mum invited Hunter I dont want any of my friends from the old school coming, I don't want to risk it." I mumbled, pushing food on my plate around with the fork, "Who are you inviting?"

"Just the guys from my group I guess, so it might be fun." Spencer shrugged and smiled.

"Yeah, I suppose." I nodded slowly.

"Cant wait for the cruise though, I've never been on a boat before." Spencer grinned.

I chuckled, "I get sea sick." I admitted.

"Well I reckon it'll be great if we're both there to entertain each other." Spencer smiled.

I chuckled, "Yeah.."

I sighed and ate a bit more of the schnitzel, my mind wandering off as I thought about when I come face to face with Hunter.

I haven't talked to him in forever, and I had no idea how seeing each other will go.

Probably not good.

"Fuck!" Jason randomly screamed, slamming his face down onto his plate.

Everyone at the table jumped at the scene.

"Whats wrong? Are you alright?" Mum instantly asked in worry.

Jeremy began to get up to check on him.

Jason panted heavily, his cheeks bright red as he sat back up, "Uh... uhm... I'm fine... just choked on some meat is all..."

Justin bursted into a fit of giggles.

"That's not funny, Justin." Mum glared.

I furrowed my brows.

"What's wrong with those two?" Spencer asked.

"I really dont want to know." I grumbled.

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