Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jason's POV

I pulled Justin into the room and instantly went to his side to pick out an outfit for him to wear.

No way in hell is Justin picking what he wears - no offence,  but the kid doesnt exactly style himself in a decent fashion for most people our age.

Justin giggled to himself as he watched me grab a pair of warm track pants - since it was cold out and he did look cute in sweat pants.

"I never been to a party, Jasey." Justin told me, and I froze at the nick name.

Did he just call me Jasey?

"Who's birthday is it? What kind of cake do they have?" He giggled, bouncing in his place as he thought about it.

"Uh," I cleared my throat, "Its not a kid's party, Justin."

"Oh?" Justin hummed, "So what kind of party is it?"

"A high school party," I sighed and grabbed a nice shirt to mach the grey sweats, along with a pair of socks he could wear with some nice shoes, probably one of my old pairs since his shoes weren't a very nice looking pair.

"For cool kids?" Justin smiled.

"Exactly," I nodded, handing him the clothing, "Now put these on, and I'll fix your hair after I dress and do mine."

"Okay, Jasey!" Justin beamed and began undressing.

I slowly turned around and smiled a bit, it didnt sound so bad coming out of his mouth - I actually liked it.


"You're not taking my little brother to this party." Derek glared at me, his fists clenched as I held Justin's hand while on our way out the front door.

"Boo-hoo, have fun with Spencer." I grinned and opened the front door.

"If anything happens at this party to him, I swear to God I will fucking destroy you." Derek threatened.

"Okay, fine. Now say bye to Derek, Justin." I chuckled, walking out the front while pulling Justin behind me.

"Bye-Bye Der!" Justin waved with his free hand.

I smiled at the sight of Luke's van sitting in the driveway and wasted no time dragging Justin to it.

I opened up the back doors and lifted Justin into it, since it had no stepping stool.

I shut the back doors and then walked around to climb in the passengers side.

Luke was smoking what was most likely a joint as he waited, smiling cockily, "We bringing Justin?"

"Thought he could use a good high school experience." I shrugged and smiled at Luke.

"Right, well I gotta pick up Mikey, Zayn, and Ashton, which means this is gonna be an exciting hour drive, so buckle up and don't touch my radio." Luke grinned, hitting the play button and blasting Three Day's Grace, before beginning to drive.

I glanced at Justin in the rear view mirror, smiling as he sat against the side, playing with some paint can.

Derek's POV

I growled lowly as I led Spencer to the car, hopping in.

How dare Jason take off to this party tonight with my innocent baby brother? He better not corrupt Justin.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked as I began to drive.

"How can Jason just do that? Is he ignorant? If Justin gets hurt because of him I'll - ugh." I gripped the steering wheel.

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