Chapter Thirty-Seven (Smut)

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Smut warning; Part of this chapter will be smutty sorry if you don't like it but its boyxboy so deal with it - that was r00d im sorry love ya!

Derek's POV

"Will you have sex with me?"

I couldn't help it - I was hysterically laughing, gripping my sides as tears were just pooling from my eyes.

Spencer was as red as a tomato, somewhat glaring at my reaction; but seriously, did he just ask me that?

As I tried to compose myself, giggling like a maniac, I spoke up, "Are you seriously asking me to have sex with you like that?"

"I-I... I was just... dont worry." Spencer sighed, a frown on his lips as he got up, "Forget it."

"No, no, Spencer, wait a minute." I wiped my eyes, catching my breath as I got up too, "Are you ready for sex?"

"My body has gone through all the necessary stages of puberty, Derek." Spencer told me, huffing his chest a bit, "My body is ready."

For some reason I began picturing Spencer tied up, all spread out on my bed completely naked. No reason for me to think that, but I was.

I shook my head, ridding myself of my perverted thoughts, "No, are you mentally ready?" I sighed, "There's a difference."

"What do you mean?" Spencer frowned.

"Well, sex is something you should really think about, especially not jump into." I explained, "Once you lose your virginity, you can never get that back. Your first time is most important. Unless its taken from you, not by your choice, thats not your fault... but like, this is really important."

"I know, but I just wanna get it over and done with..." Spencer crossed his arms and sighed, "All my friends are doing it."

"If all your friends were jumping off a cliff would you-"

"Are you seriously pulling a parent thing?" Spencer snorted, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, whatever... just ignore that." I shook my head, smiling.

"I just want to do it, Derek... I understand that I need to think it over beforehand but I'm ready, I'm sure." Spencer sighed.

I licked my lips, smiling a tad, "I've got a deal to propose."


"What about a blow job instead?" I grinned.

"I dont really want to suck on your dick, not yet." Spencer blushed.

I rolled my eyes, "No, I'll give you one."

Spencer widened his eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, its not a problem." I walked over to the door, shutting and locking it.

"I-I dont know what to do-"

"Start with taking off your shirt and pants, Spence." I smiled, walking over to give him a hand, "And just trust me."

Spencer hesitantly nodded, pulling his shirt off and giving me a little time to admire his body shortly.

No, Spencer hadn't any abs or eye-striking muscles bulging underneath, his stomach was flat, and that was okay with me.

Body image has never been a main priority for me, I mean, my body is sort of on the soccer fit side of things, my legs were stronger than my upper body.

But I literally didnt care what someone was shaped like, if you're big, its fine, if you're small, its fine, if you're curvy, its fine.

You just need to have a personality I can deal with, because I got no time for the cray-cray. No offence intended.

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