Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Derek's POV

Justin annoyingly walked into the room while I was playing COD, blocking the TV screen as I was on a killing spree.

"Move doofus." I groaned, trying to see the screen better.

Justin huffed and crossed his arms, "Derek, I'm hungry."

"Go eat something." I got up and pushed him out of the way before sitting back down to continue my game.

Lucky that Spencer is a heavy sleeper.

"But I can't-" Justin whined.

"I dont care, get out." I spat, biting my bottom lip as some stupid idiot killed me.

Justin let out a frustrated scream, kicking my XBox before running out of the room.

"JUSTIN!" I screamed back in frustration as the game began to freeze.

That lil' fucker.

I got to my feet and ran out of the room after him.

Justin let out a high pitch scream as he spotted me chasing after him. He darted towards the lounge room, but unfortunately for Justin, I was a lot more faster.

I managed to spear tackle him to the couch, twisting his arm behind his back.

"Ow!" Justin screamed, kicking his legs around, already breaking out into tears.

"You ruined my game you jerk!" I held his arm firmly in place as his face squished against the couch cushion.

"I'm sorry! Let go." He cried, squirming.

"You are gonna pay for it, Justin. What are ya gonna do to pay me back?" I spat angrily, pressing my knee into his back.

"I dont know," He sniffled, "Anything!"

"Anything?" I grinned.

"Yes!" Justin whimpered.

I loosened my grip, "You're gonna be my personal slave for the whole of next week, and you're gonna start telling me the truth, understood?"

"Truth?" Justin squeaked.

"Yes, no lying to me about you and Jas-"

"Do you mind?" Jason snorted as he walked in the room.

"What?" I glared at him.

"You're not forcing him to speak about anything, we dont invade your privacy so dont invade ours." Jason crossed his arms.

I eyed him, "He's my brother, I'll do as I please."

"You're causing him to cry, and if you don't let him go in five seconds, I'll have to involve myself, since I am the one in charge of him." Jason smirked, challenging me.

I snorted, as if. He can't tell me how to treat Justin. I'll do what I damn well want when it comes to Justin.

"Four, three, two..." Jason counted down all of a sudden.

"I'll beat the shit outta you if you touch me." I warned.

"One." Jason snickered, before grabbing my arm and yanking me off of Justin swiftly.

The bastard had a good grip, I can tell you that.

I yelped as he pinned me against the floor, trapping my wrists above my head and straddling my waist to make it impossible for me to squirm away.

"I'm ten times tougher than you." Jason smirked, "Now ya mind?"

"Get off, lard arse." I grunted, kicking my legs around helplessly.

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