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Chapter forty one


I haven't had this much fun in years and I can't believe I had been missing on the charms New York has to offer.

Walking through Times Square was something I never thought I'd be able to do again ever since that night two years ago but now that memory has been replaced by Gemma and I performing Defying Gravity on the stairs while going down at three am under the freezing weather, when no one was around.

The week has gone by and it was all I needed to get a fresh start, it was done later this year but I might take on the lame cliché saying of ''New year, new me.''

These past days have been invigorating and Gem's personality complimented me very well. Ever since I was done with the song I felt like I could let go of so many things, and I was calmer.

I still woke up most nights calling Harry's name but each and every single one of those times, it was easier than the night before, to calm me down and reconcile sleep.

We did everything that was expected of us to do in New York and so much more, the cold was a bit of an impediment but we didn't let it bother us, thankfully it didn't snow but the temperatures are freezing.

I've been perfecting the song ever since I sent it to my team and they loved it. Avery made a few arrangements and my band composed the melody as I requested, Courtney, being the one to supervise everything as I wasn't around to do it myself.

I was supposed to go to a recording studio here in the city to record my part but I refused to do it elsewhere but home. I have my own record label and my own studio to have my privacy, and this song means way too much for me for anyone to be hearing it and ruin this experience for me.

Besides here I have to pay for studio time and I usually record late at night, when no one is bothering me and when there are just two or three people around because I don't like to feel pressured.

I even felt self-conscious when I recorded my other album with Harry in the room. His look was of adoration and admiration but it's something personal to me and the fewer people I can have in the room, the better.

Too many opinions can lead me to overthink and that's the last thing I need right now, so I'm going to wait until I'm back home to record it. Our flight back is in several hours so I'll probably do it within this week before I go to Australia.

I haven't talked to Harry in the past week I've been in New York. He knows we are here because he has been texting Gemma and he called her a few times but other than that our contact has been minimal.

I still don't have a plan. Because I was done with the song earlier this week, he was a done topic. We spent that day shopping and we ordered a bunch of salads for dinner so we could watch a few movies on tv.

Gemma and I haven't talked about him ever since, it was as if most of my sorrow had vanished away, it was still pretty much contained in my chest but I was so busy I forgot to think about him.

He still owns my every thought and this distance between us only preoccupies me but I don't know when the next time I'll get to see him is, then I will be able to formulate a sort of plan or course of action.

''What's the next of our adventures?'' Gemma comes to sit right next to me as I'm on my laptop, checking our flight status and making sure everything is in order.

All of this flying and traveling alone has taught me a lot, I used to rely on Cassie way too much for these things and she made everything nicely and neatly. Turns out I just need a credit card, a beanie, and a pair of sunglasses.

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