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Chapter fifty five


''I don't think you should chop your hair.'' I say in a serious tone and Zara rewards me with a funny expression.

''Why not, bub?'' She strokes mine as I rest my head on her lap while looking down at me. ''I think I have it too long.''

''Because I like it long.'' I mention with stubbornness but that's not the real reason I don't want her hair short, or even cut in the slightest.

''Don't you think I could pull a bob?'' Her hands leave my hair to grab hers and pretend she has it on her shoulders but I shake my head once more. "I could always use extensions"

''It's not that I don't think you'd pull it off, I think you'd look amazing but I like your hair longer.'' Zara would look so badass with any hairstyle but I have my reasons not to want her hair short.

''I think you have your hair long enough for the both of us.'' She jokes while going back to massage my scalp and I let out a sigh. ''I'd like to donate it too, I think you need a few centimeters of hair so it can be used for charity and all.''

Now I feel bad for her wanting to cut her hair so she is able to donate it to charity and I would encourage that always but I fear that if she does it's because she needs change in her life and I'm the problem with it.

''I'll google how much you need.'' I roll my eyes in frustration and she looks at me with an adoring glance leaning to kiss my forehead.

I take out my phone and I google exactly that, ''how many inches of hair you need to be able to donate'' and I check the first few sites, giving it a quick glance and feeling her curious stare on me.


''About 9 inches.'' I tell her and it says between 8 and 14 inches but I don't think there's a limit in reality and Zara's hair is very healthy so she should be able to donate a lot of it.

''I'm not used to inches, how much is 9 inches?'' She asks in curiosity and I put my phone down to raise an eyebrow at her and smirk in confidence. ''What?''

I look down at my pants and she follows my eyes but I turn to stare at her and she frowns. ''I don't get it.'' I laugh at her and she smiles but she is still confused so I move from her lap to lean forward and I pucker my lips for her to kiss me.

Her response to the kiss is almost immediate but I sense confusion from her part so we kiss briefly before I go back to my initial position.

''You're so precious,'' I tell her and she frowns but a smile sneaks its way onto her lips. ''You still don't get it?''

''No...'' She trails off and I laugh, getting my hand on my crotch so I can adjust my jeans and she looks at me, now she's starting to get the message. ''Oh my god, Harry!''

''What?'' I feign innocence and she moves her hands to cover her face, she's getting flustered.

''I'm here talking about donating my hair to charity and you're talking about your...- Harry!'' I compose myself while laughing, sitting beside her, and trying to take her hands off her face.

''Yes, little Harry.'' I joke and she parts her fingers to look through them and from what I can see, they are on a widened expression.

''Please stop, don't call...it, little Harry!'' I finally manage to pull her hands away from her face and her expressions are a mix between horrified, mortified, and about to burst out in laughs.

''Okay, but that's 9 inches.'' I explain as if nothing and I see so the color vanishes away from her face before her cheeks burn red as her eyes open up to a humongous size.

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