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We'd always go into it blindly
I needed to lose you to find me
This dance, it was killing me softly

I gave my all and they all know it
Then you tore me down and now it's showing
In two months, you replaced us
Like it was easy
Made me think I deserved it
In the thick of healing, yeah

I needed to lose you to love me

song: lose you to love me by Selena Gomez

(a/n: not meant to be played while reading)

Chapter six


''Cookie!'' I run around my flat behind the little devil but he won't stop, he's only getting encouraged by my running after him. ''Please stop, or I won't get you any food.'' I use a warning tone and as if he knew what I was saying, he stops. ''Oh, so now you get me?''

I've gone insane.

Cassie and Anna asked me to babysit their dog for a week while they both go on vacation and of course I said yes but I've been having so much to do. Taking care of another being is hard and I don't even know how to take care of myself so it's been a challenge around the house.

''Should've named you biscuit, you're so American.'' I scratch the top of his head and then under his furry chin and he leans into my touch. ''You want a treat?'' I've realized just now the baby voice I'm using but he doesn't seem to mind.

He wiggles his tail so I go to the kitchen, getting his bag of treats and he looks at me with big eyes and tilts his head to the side as I open it. ''Do you promise to be a good boy?'' I narrow my eyes at him and the puppy's eyes look increases. ''Ugh, here.'' I give it to him and he takes it from my hand, licking around and making me giggle. ''Cookie!''

The bell rings and he sprints off to the door, barking loudly and scratching the door frame with his paws. I come closer to the door and I grab him from the collar so he won't run away. I left the door open for three seconds a couple of days ago and he had the greatest jog around my floor.

''Sit down.'' I ordered and he obliged immediately. ''Oh, such a good boy.'' I scratch behind his ear and open the door as he's distracted. ''Hey, you.'' I smile at Lex and he takes out his jacket as he steps inside and I release Cookie.

''Hey, Zee.'' He kisses my cheek as he enters and Cookie starts growling at him. ''Hey, buddy.'' He crouches down but the dog gives him a sassy look before turning around and leaving. ''Someone's moody.''

''I don't know what's up with him, he was fine right until now.'' I look back and he's settling on his fluffy donut cuddler. ''He must be tired.'' I shrug and then turn to Lex. ''How are you feeling?'' I raise a hand to inspect his bruised eye.

''It's not hurting anymore, it stopped swelling like two days ago.'' He mindlessly says and I give him an apologetic look. ''It's alright, Zee. Don't worry.''

''I just can't believe Harry would do something like that.'' I'm so disappointed in him because this is beyond anything he has ever done. It's something I don't recognize about him and I hate it because he's not the man I love.

Right after he left my hotel room I simply started packing everything neatly together. I needed a distraction so I kept on making the room neat, even though there would be people fixing it for me I needed something to do so I started sorting the five pairs of shoes I had.

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