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Watching you get dressed messes with my head
Take that bag off your shoulder
Come get back in bed, we still got time left
This don't have to be over
And you say it's hard to keep a secret
Girl, don't leave me all alone in this hotel

song: change your ticket by One Direction

(a/n: not meant to be played while reading)

Chapter fifty nine


Going to bed with Harry last night was a tricky thing.

I wasn't allowed to leave just yet and I especially didn't want to leave without fixing everything or at least some of it with Harry.

More than once in my life I've walked out on fights like these but if I've learned anything from what I like to call my ''past life'' is that running away from my problems doesn't make them go away.

So I stayed.

Right after our heated argument he got inside the bathroom and took the longest shower known to men. It was clear that he was avoiding me and I felt relieved from it too because I needed space.

I have my flight today right before they are due to leave for the stadium so we only count with a few hours on our side and I intend to spend them as serene as possible. I don't want to leave matters as they are, we have to talk but I don't know where the conversation is supposed to go.

Last night we had dinner in complete silence, a movie playing in the back as I kept pushing my food around the plate. I had no appetite and I was still nauseous but I knew if I didn't eat it would cause a fight between Harry and me so I made an effort but it was awful.

When I attempted to get some sleep, I kept tossing and turning to find comfort and I even woke up quite a few times trying to vomit but it was useless because all I had was nonstop nausea. Harry realized at the third time, that it wasn't just because I needed to use the bathroom but because something was wrong with me.

He woke up, prepared a tea for me, and hummed a song while holding me in his arms until I could fall asleep again but it wasn't doing anything for me.

It was surprising considering we had both gone to bed separately. I went to bed early and he stayed on his computer on the balcony but I was in so much discomfort I noticed when the bed sunk beside me and he slid under the covers.

He didn't hold me right away.

My entire body was aching, my stomach, my lower back, and my head was pounding. I've never felt this bad in my entire life and the nauseous feeling was probably the worst of them all.

Now I've woken up, quite a few minutes ago and I have let myself indulge in this little moment of blissful ignorance while being extremely conscious that the moment won't last. Harry is holding my waist as he is laying on his tummy, his arm extended to reach for me and keep me trapped under it.

His head is turned this way, facing me in his sleep as I check in my phone, and coordinating my arrival in London with Cassie. She is supposed to pick me up from Heathrow and take me home. I'm set to arrive quite late so I'm hoping there will be no traffic and no people because I'm not in the mood to deal with them.

I just woke up but I did it feeling anxious and I have this ache in my chest, it's not nice and it's giving me a bit of a racing heart. It's blazingly making my chest hurt and I try to ease it down but it's not working.

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