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Chapter twenty


''So, my mum bought Christmas stockings.'' Harry blurts out of nowhere and I look at him through the screen of my phone, frowning at the random comment.

''That's so cute, is she customizing them?'' I ask interested and he shrugs but then scratches the back of his neck in a clear sign of discomfort, making the frown return to my face.

''Yeah, she bought like...a few more than usual.'' He comments nonchalantly but there's double intention behind those words.

''A couple more as in...Robin's kids and your nephew?'' I ask and he purses his lips to the side.

''Look, don't get freaked out.'' He warns before running a hand through his long hair. His hair is so long, it's so cute and he looks like a modern-day prince.

Cause that's not cheesy at all.

''Sure...'' I trail off while narrowing my eyes at him. ''What's up?''

''One is kinda, sort of, not really but like really...well, yours.'' He lets out after a lot of rambling and that's when I widen my eyes at him, trying not to look as surprised as I am now but he knows exactly how I'm feeling because he seems a bit regretful.


''You know how she is. I explained to her that she shouldn't do all of those things because she's being noisy and intrusive but she's just so excited and I-'' He groans in distress and gives me a tired look. ''I'm sorry, I know you probably aren't even thinking about-''

''Hey, it's okay.'' I try to tranquilize him but he looks a bit annoyed. ''Babe.''

A slow smile cripples its way onto his face and he shakes his head, looking away and letting out a breathy chuckle. ''Don't do that.''

''Why not?'' I mock offense and he bites his lower lip.

''Because I want to kiss you and you're not here.''

I have to press my phone onto my chest to prevent him from looking at me and my blushed cheeks. I let out an annoying giggle as I hear him calling my name through the phone. ''You make me feel all ticklish inside.'' I admit positioning my phone back to focus on my face.

''Was my face just in your boobs?'' I roll my eyes and fix my shirt.

''You're a child.'' I menace and he smirks at me.

''I miss you.'' He says with a sigh in between his words and I mimic his actions, offering a tightlipped smile.

''I miss you too.'' My voice comes up above a whisper. ''I wish this wasn't so difficult sometimes.'' I voice out my thoughts and he nods in agreement. ''Don't get me wrong, I love the privacy and the way this is just between us, no one knows and it's easier to avoid unnecessary drama but...it just-''

''It sucks, yeah I know.'' He finishes and I let out a bit of a sad chuckle. ''I'm sorry this is all you get with me.''

''No, love...don't apologize please.'' I rush out to let him know this isn't his fault. ''We got ourselves into this mess once and we knew better this second time around. And if there's anyone to blame it should be me, I was the reckless one.''

''I don't think what you did was reckless. On the contrary, I think what you did was brave and it takes a lot of courage to face your manager and stand up for yourself. And you were only 19, you know how big that is? To have your priorities straight at such a young age is so admirable and once of the many reasons I fell in love with you.''

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