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Chapter fifteen


Everything's moving so fast and all I can hear is screaming.

There's no distinction and the light buzz in my head it's starting to become more and more annoying. I feel lightheaded and a bit bubbly, like I'm about to fall asleep again but the only thing keeping me awake is the loud voices talking.

Cassie is keeping Lex from doing anything to Harry while Zayn's only expressing how disappointed he is in him while I was supposed to be in the middle of them but right now, it's like I'm having an out of body experience.

I'm not in the conversation and it almost feels like I'm not even standing there, in the middle of them. I'm looking at them right now but somehow feel at one corner, even looking at myself in the discussion.

I'm standing there with my pj's while Harry is all dressed now. I don't even know when he had the time to dress up but he threw his pants and t-shirt as quickly as he could when everyone invaded my room.

I want to send a signal to my body to move, react, and even more when Lex is tightening his fists right next to his body, studying Harry and looking at him in between furrowed brows. He's gonna punch him and I can't do shit.

I can't move.

Zayn's voice is getting louder and louder, as I've never heard him before and the veins on his neck are becoming visible, as it is when he sings but now it looks frightening. He's mad and disappointed, he's furious and keeps pointing fingers at Harry.

Harry's keeping his head held high, maintaining Zayn's hard stare and receiving every insult. He's literally standing there letting Zayn and Lex yell at him without saying anything back. Although I can clearly see the way his jaw is tightening; he's dying to say something but he's keeping himself tamed.

And finally, poor Cassie is in between all of them. Trying to calm down their tones and resting her hands on their chests, preventing them from coming towards each other while her head moves in both directions. She's trying her best to keep them from beating each other up and I want to stop them but I can't.

I haven't felt like this, ever. I feel trapped in my own body and I don't have any words. I'm frozen in place, my heartbeat rumbling loud in my ears being the only sign telling me I'm still here and this is not a dream.

All I can move is my eyes, I can scan the room and all but my other senses have been compromised and I can't control myself. I can't smell anything and my throat has gone dry, I can't even hear them anymore, it's all white noise and high pitched sounds.

My hands are on either side of my body. I remember having them closed up on my chest, preventing myself from feeling this exposed and vulnerable but somehow they've fallen back to place.

My vision becomes blurry and I start blinking to stop it from making me dizzy again but it's impossible. The ringing in my ears stops and I can figure out voices now but I just wished I would have remained like I was five seconds ago.

''You're a fucking asshole and I can't believe you'd do this to me and even more to Zara. You know you are no good for her but you are narcissistic enough to keep on hurting her.'' It's Zayn speaking but what I hear next it's not Harry's response.

''You're only hurting her and making her life miserable, you should stop.'' Lex's voice is only making my brother's stance to tense even more and now Harry tightens his hands in fists.

''Shut up, Lexington. This is none of your fucking business you idiot.'' Cassie's voice is heard and I almost want to chuckle at her response but I can't.

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