75 | finale

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Chapter seventy five


Knowing that I get to my girlfriend's arms in a few days seems to be the only thing getting me through this terrible Thursday. December 31st.

My friend and I have been going around the island for a few hours. It's a small, very expensive and luxurious place and we usually come here to have lunch or do some shopping. I already got Zara a few gifts that I know she will like.

I have a big one waiting for her, along with a very important question. I had her mum test the waters for me, and it didn't disappoint me. It was exactly what I had been expecting from Zee.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. That's what they say, it could be distance as well but Zara and I, we've had enough of both for a lifetime. I not only want her here but I need her with me.

I have been waiting for this moment to come, and it's finally here. Because it's going to be great for us, get freedom to do as we please. We will no longer have to hide our feelings towards each other or refrain from touching her. I want to hold her in my arms for the world to see.

Not only because she's mine and I am most definitely hers but also to prove how much she means to me, how much I love her. It makes my heart race, pump blood faster and accelerate my pulse by simply thinking about it. When she gets here I will lose it.

This is the woman of my dreams we're talking about and I am willing to risk everything for her. No questions asked. This is our moment and the best time in our relationship.

I hope I didn't have to wait three more days to I see her again. We haven't talked in two days and I am close to caving in. We have been texting sporadically but each time they are more spaced out. I keep forgetting there's a lot of time difference between us so I have to be mindful of when to call.

Zara is doing a small road trip across Switzerland with her family so the cell service is supposed to suck, and I am suffering the consequences of it. I deserve it, I guess. We promised we wouldn't hide anything from the other and I was the one to break that promise first.

I should have told her Kendall was here but what would've changed?

Every day I am thankful that she is not a jealous person like I am, because we would be in a huge problem. I've been doing an excellent job in keeping my jealousy at bay but that doesn't mean I don't get jealous. Because I do. Quite a lot.

Zara is not the type of woman you want to mistreat, because her presence is of tremendous value and comfort. At least for me, it is. There's no doubt in my mind I have to take care of her by my side at all times, because she deserves it and she is worth it.

We have been apart for more than two weeks and I have missed her since the moment we said goodbye at my house, two seconds later I was calling her. I pretended she had left something behind so I could have another kiss. She knew it was bullshit because she triple checks everything before leaving but she came back to kiss me and I was happy.

That's what she does. Everything for me and none for herself. It's probably one of the reasons why I love her the most but also why I have to protect and look out for her.

She doesn't need me. Not like she's needed me in the past. She outgrew that dependency phase I secretly loved so much and became a new person. She is self-sufficient in every way. However, that doesn't mean that I'll stop protecting her. That will never happen.

"Where's your head, man?" Jeffrey's voice pulls me out of my Zara bubble and I look down at him, shrugging to myself as we walk through some shops and I look at the windows. Seeing if I can get anything else for my girlfriend.

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