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Chapter seventy three


Harry Styles is obsessed with me.

Turns out I had underestimated my influence over him and how much he could need me; and it happens to be a lot.

The first three days apart had been normal, like whenever we part ways the bittersweet feeling stays longing in my chest but we make the most of it by calling each other, sending texts, or facetiming, we are always exchanging a lot of pictures.

However, we promised to keep it down and reduced for a while because we need to spend time with our families and it's also a good moment to reconnect with them, being stuck to our phones is simply rude.

The thing is, I have been receiving messages from him at all hours, with a lot of different intentions. Sometimes he just wants to say hi, he checks in on how I'm doing, he subtly asks for a picture of what I'm doing and if I'm working out he insists on having at least a video.

He misses me and makes no attempt in hiding it, which I found to be cute because he has been making amazing progress in sharing his feelings with me so whatever I can get, I will take.

However, it has begun to piss some of my family off, mostly Zayn, because my phone kept buzzing during the game night last night. Harry and I are not only divided by a lot of distance but also by a lot of time zones. 6 hours to be precise, so my phone is always ringing.

Zayn is a completely different story. We have been civil around each other but we haven't had time to properly sit down and talk, mostly because I have the feeling he has been avoiding me.

Zayn's individuality is what characterizes him, and while he loves to spend quality time with our family, his social batteries run out, just as much as anyone else's but he values his time alone and I want to respect that.

My sisters have been asking my mum and dad to take them skiing, a hard pass for me, for the last week we have been in Switzerland so they are preparing all the gear and clothes to leave. A car is picking them up in a few minutes to take them to the Alps.

I opted out because I'm still very much afraid of snow. Even if it's snow just laid on the floor, and not a blizzard it makes my heart race inevitably. Looking at the high peaks on the mountains simply gives me panic and the thought of a potential avalanche happening is very present in my mind.

I'm still not on board with my family going there either, mainly because of that same fear I have but I can't be taking away moments of their vacation just because I'm paranoid about a potential catastrophe happening.

Zayn is still sleeping but he made it very clear that he did not want to be a part of the family adventure so no one is bothering him on his side of the cabin. We are staying in a very nice place on the outskirts of Bern and we have plans to visit Geneva as well, but we already spent a few days in Zurich. I wanted to visit Basel as well but given our schedule, we won't have time.

I have loved my stay here in Switzerland but I would have loved it more for Harry to be here with me, Cassie too; I need an army of comfort to survive. It probably wasn't a good idea for me to spend two weeks in a place that risks snowing all the time at the beginning of winter but once I offered this place to my family nothing seemed to compare.

My mum calls me a people pleaser and she happens to be correct, hence why I'm covered in flour at 9 AM on a Sunday, making breakfast for everyone else.

I got myself into this mess, I know. I could have paid for a five-star hotel that does everything for us and I wouldn't have to lift a single finger but where's the fun in that? Yes, I am the only one doing the laundry and the dishes for everyone else but I rather do that than have someone come into my room daily to make my bed.

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