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Chapter three


''Isn't this too slutty?'' I ask looking down at my outfit and Cassie lets out a loud scoff, blatantly rolling her eyes.

I'm wearing a pair of boyfriend jeans with a black lace bodysuit, corset kinda looking with some sheer fabric, and a couple of cuts where you can see my bare skin. It's not like my barely-boobs are out in the open but it's definitely a sexy suit.

''Cassie, I mean it.'' I use a pleading tone and she simply finishes up putting on mascara. ''Not slutty but like...'' I look for words and she looks at me through the mirror.

''Sexy, hot, and empowered? Cause the answer is yes.'' She says and I look down at the compliment, suddenly feeling very shy about it. ''Besides, you're meeting two of your former hookups, you have to make them feel sorry.''

''Cassie, I don't dress for them.'' I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

''I know you don't but damn, Zee. If you were my ex, and you looked like this...'' She points to my outfit, looking up and down. ''My sorry ass would be crying.'' She finalizes and I let out a loud laugh.

''I hate you sometimes.'' I say playfully and she smiles at me. ''But like...do I look nice?'' I ask once more, looking at myself on the floor-length mirror.

''Yes, darling. You look beautiful and ready to kick some ass.'' She says, finishing her makeup and turning around to face me. ''I hope you do kick Harry's ass.'' She mumbles under her breath but enough for me to listen to her.

''I'm not gonna kick his ass.'' I say and again she scoffs. ''He's not wrong, I said some horrible stuff to him and he looked so devastated, Cass. If you had seen the way he looked at me, I-'' I exhale out a breath and I look down. ''I don't think he'll ever forgive me. I hurt him so bad and I wish I could take it all back.''

''Zee, I love you but the guy is an asshole.'' She strokes both my arms, making me look up at her. ''He said some horrible shit too, I don't see him saying sorry anytime soon.''

''He doesn't have to.'' I comment in a slow voice and she throws me a look. ''I was the one that dumped him and he's hurt, he's entitled so say everything he said, and I may have overreacted.''

''Why do you keep forgiving him, Zee?'' She asks, taking a few strands of my hair, out of my face.

''Because I love him.'' I say truthfully and she lets out a sigh. I know she's getting frustrated with me and I wish I had a little more character so I could hate him but I don't. I simply can't and besides all of that, the horrible things he said to me, I never gave him the chance to talk.

''But that doesn't justify the way he acted, or the things he said to you.''

''I know it doesn't but I'd be lying if I said I don't know where he's coming from with that. He needed to vent out and even if it hurt I could see he was hurting as well. He just had a bad way of expressing himself.'' I try lightening up the theme but she's not budging.

''You are so fucking nice, you need to stop that.'' She says and I shrug. ''Zee, I mean it. You need to stand your ground, I don't care if it's me, Lex, Harry or your mum. You need to defend yourself more and don't get stepped on. Harry knows you, he knows where your weakness lays and he could be using it to his advantage.''

''He would never do that, he cares about me.'' I say and she shakes her head.

''Does he really? Call me paranoid but I don't trust the guy, not anymore and I don't know why.'' There's a knock on the door and she goes to open it. ''I mean, I know why but I just have a bad feeling.''

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