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Chapter twenty four


I don't know what a cloud must feel like but I'm so comfortable right now I don't want to move.

I'm in this fluffy cocoon of blankets and the comfy cover on top of me. I don't know what bed is this one but I don't think I'll ever want to move again from my spot.

This is heaven.

I know it's the morning because although my eyes are not open just yet, I sense brightness from around me through my eyelids. Still, if I dare open up my eyes I know the light is gonna be blinding so I rather stay in bed for a while more.

''Good morning, baby.''

I hear a soft voice come from behind me and I snap my eyes open in surprise, regretting it immediately and taking a pillow to shield me from the light. I groan in response but I feel the mattress sink next to me.

''Baby.'' Harry moves my hair to the side and starts peppering kisses on my back, focusing on my shoulder and going up in direction to my neck which makes me giggle. ''I knew you were awake, come on.''

''No.'' I childishly say and I hear him chuckle behind me as his hand rests on the side of my waist, making my shirt rise up.

''Why not?'' He nuzzles his head in my neck and starts giving me wet open-mouthed kisses before trailing them down to my shoulder.

''I don't want to be a properly functioning and decent human being today.'' I confess and he snorts out a laugh so loud I have to place my hands on my ears to prevent my ears from ringing as my head starts pounding. ''Ow.''

''Oh baby, are you alright?'' He quickly composes and I shyly nod, turning on my side and hiding on his bare chest, raising my leg and tangling it with his as I trap him. ''What are you doing Zee?''

''I want cuddles.'' I squint at him trying not to open my eyes too much, but the headache gets worse. ''And maybe an aspirin.''

''Well, there's an aspirin here on your bedside but you have to give me a kiss in exchange.'' He pushes his lips together and starts leaning down so I pull away but he traps me with his arms on my back. ''Zee...''

''I feel like a big amount of rubbish. I smell, my mouth probably smells and I feel like a bulldozer ran me over forwards and backwards.'' I pout but I quickly cover my mouth with my hand, in case I have bad breath, added to morning breath.

''Aw but you are my big amount of rubbish.'' He says and I shake my head, turning around and making him spoon me. ''Do you feel like eating? Or are you feeling too yucky to get something in your system?''

''I feel like dying.'' I confess and he tightens his grasp around me. ''But I could use some breakfast.''

He lets out a small laugh and shakes his head, resting his chin on my shoulder and kissing my neck. ''What makes you think you are up early enough for breakfast, love?''

''No!'' I say and turn to him, still covering my mouth and he nods with a playful look in his eyes. ''Did I sleep that much?''

''Yes, it's almost two in the afternoon.'' He explains and my mouth falls open in shock as well as my eyes widen.

''Why would you let me sleep that much?!'' I move away from him and ask in anger. I'm not usually a heavy sleeper nor do I sleep in so this is not like me. Besides, I wanted to spend time with him and now most of the day is wasted.

''Because you needed it, love.'' He sits down on the bed, resting his back on the headrest as he opens his arms for me and I give him a look before giving in and letting him cradle me. "That's better."

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