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Chapter eleven


''Cass, I don't want to go.'' I groan, stepping inside my closet and changing tops for the third time today as she follows me, Cookie following behind as well and she goes to the wall where my shoes are.

''Come on, Zee. He's been asking me to set you up with him for weeks now. Please.'' She puts both her hands in front of her chest and pouts her lips, giving me an innocent look as she pleads.

''I told you I'm not ready to date anyone.'' I complain and she rolls her eyes, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

''It's not a date. He just wants to get to know you.'' She explains and I shake my head, walking towards the rack where I have my dresses hang up in the hangers. ''He's cute, he's nice and he's not an asshole...Maybe that's why you don't like him.'' She mumbles under her breath but I manage to hear her.

''Ha ha, you're so funny, Cassandra.'' I say sarcastically while giving her a look.

''But I mean it, it's time for you to move on. This could be good for you, you just need to have a little bit of fun, get to know new people.'' She sits in the middle of the room on the round ottoman chair as Cookie sits on her feet.

''Or it could be so bad, I don't even want to try it.'' I'm being stubborn at this point but I don't know if I'm ready to be dating someone new. I know I don't want to date anyone else.

''Why not? There's literally no harm in trying. Media is already linking you two together and he likes you. He wants to ask you on a date and we are hanging out today if you are not meeting him alone.'' I let out a big breath and she pleads with her eyes.

''Because he's not H-'' I have to stop myself mid-sentence to catch my breath and prevent my eyes from watering. ''I know I'm not gonna like him. I know what I want and it's not him, Cassie.'' I fail when a couple of tears roll down my cheeks and I clean them with the back of my hand.

''Zee.'' She gives me an understanding look and I shake my head, going back to my clothes. ''You said it yourself a couple of weeks ago. That you wanted to move on. Harry did and so should you.''

I stop in my tracks when Cassie says his name. I've been avoiding saying it but I can't do much when others name him. He's already back on tour and half the world away, doing god knows who.

''I meant to move on from him, not to another person.'' I explain and she scoffs. ''I mean it, Cassie. I'm not ready to go back to dating.''

''This isn't dating!'' She exclaims but I offer a disappointed look. ''You two have talked before, you got along and he wants to get to know you.''

''You just said he wanted to ask me on a date.'' I retaliate and she rolls her eyes again. ''And yeah, he's cute and all but I don't know him. What would I say? I don't have much going on in my life right now.''

''That's exactly the point, Zee. You talk today, get to know each other, and then if he asks you on a date you are entitled to say no. It's not like you are going to marry him and have his children.''

I know for a fact that won't happen.

''I haven't been on a date since I was sixteen, Cass. I don't know how to date.'' I confess, feeling defeated and anxious. It's been a while since I've talked to a guy, in a romantical sort of way and I literally have no idea how to date. ''And I'm twenty one now, dating now is completely different from back then.'' A shiver goes down my spine as I think about it.

''So you're already planning on getting some?'' She smirks and I throw her a cushion, so she can shut up. ''Zee, it's not a date. You are two people, who think the other is cute and want to get to know each other.''

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