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I remember the freckles on your back
And the way that I used to make you laugh
'Cause you know every morning I wake up
Yeah I still reach for you

I remember the roses on your shirt
When you told me this would never work
You know even when I say I've moved on
Yeah I still dream for you

song: want you back by 5 Seconds of Summer

(a/n: not meant to be played while reading)

Chapter two


''Hey baby.'' Her soft and calming voice makes me smile and I feel like an idiot for doing this but I reply anyway, mumbling a soft hi. ''You have no idea how much I miss you right now.'' She exhales out a breath and I do the same. ''But you'll be home in a couple of days and I'll get you all to myself.''

She talks in a baby voice and I can't help but let out a small and boyish laugh. She always does this and it makes my heart beat faster because I can totally picture her pursing her lips to make the voice and she looks adorable.

''I miss you too.''

''And don't think you'll be getting any excuses, I want you all to myself so I can give you so many kisses and do that facemask I know you pretend you don't like but you do.'' Again I chuckle but she's quick to continue. ''And the last time I saw you, your cuticles were horrendous, like come on bubs...'' She teases and I simply blush at the pet name.

It might sound silly and I'd be mortified if she called me that in front of the guys but I - not so secretly - love it. At the end of the day, she's the one to be calling me that and it means something. She cares, she cares enough to say it and it makes me feel all mushy inside. Like I'm about to burst in excitement.

''...and like I was saying, I went shopping yesterday and- oh god! You are not gonna believe what I found.'' She says excitedly and there's a sound as if she's opening a paper bag and pulling tissue paper. ''It's so pretty and I can't wait until I can wear it...and if you behave you might get a chance to look at it too.''

There's this teasing tone she likes to use whenever I am away. I don't know if it's on purpose, to get me all excited to see her again or if is pure spontaneity but it makes me feel giddy.

''Anyway, I can't wait to see you again and I miss you so so so so...'' She drags the last word and I chuckle. ''...much. I swear, once you come home you won't get any escape from me. I really miss you.'' Her demeanor changed and her tone is sadder, almost nostalgic and that's when I feel my heart take a leap inside my chest.

''I'm sorry, I'm just being annoying.'' She comments with a guilty feeling lacing her words. ''But I really do miss you and I can't wait until you are back home and we can spend our deserved time together after all of this bullshit.'' Now she sounds angry, reminiscing everything we went through a while ago but she quickly lets out a sigh, releasing everything out. ''I'll see you very soon, good luck tonight baby. I can't wait until you're back in my arms...or me in yours.'' She corrects herself rapidly, letting out the cutest giggle. ''But I'm gonna think about you all night and I'm gonna sleep with my little cuddle buddy. I just wish it was you...'' It sounds almost as if she were simply thinking out loud. ''Bye baby, I'll see you in a few days, my love.''

''I love you.'' I breathe out, already defeated but the voice message ends and I press a button on the screen of my phone so I can replay it again.

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