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I'm sorry if I say, "I need you"
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong
That you make me strong?

song: strong by One Direction

(a/n: not meant to be played while reading)

Chapter forty eight


Bub H: Good morning, gorgeous, I hope you have a lovely day today. Call me if you can, I miss your voice. I love you so much, to the sun and back ;) xxxxx -H

I don't mean to brag when I say I have the best boyfriend in the entire world but the thing is, I have the best boyfriend ever.

Which makes this ten times harder when he's on the other side of the world, nine time zones away from me in a completely different country. He's nine hours ahead of me and it makes long-distance even worse because when I'm ending a day he's beginning a new one.

When I call he's tired and when he calls I'm tired, we make an effort and get the most out of it but having hours-long facetime calls is difficult because I end up with the feeling of wanting more, at least a hug but he's not here.

I'm not gonna lie, I've cried more times than I'm proud of but then I look at the new calendar I bought for my flat with the numbers counting down until I get to see him again and it eases a little bit of the melancholy feeling.

It's hard to be with someone on the road all the time, and even more when you have to protect your relationship from the public eye because I can't just take a flight whenever I want.

I get followed by people, they recognize me on the street and they ask for pictures, which I don't mind because I love saying hi to everyone that makes an effort to come and meet me but that sparks up rumors because why would I be on the road with the guys if I don't have any romantic intentions with any of them?

People love to gossip and make bullshit about everything, I've known all of the guys for almost five years and it's pretty clear that I'm friends with all of them because we grew up together.

But imagine a blossoming romance out of a long-term friendship with people imposing a ship on you since you met them? It's a front-page magazine worth article.

I've never been linked to any of the boys except Harry, some said it was the undeniable chemistry and the excessive flirting on his side but the truth is, I never really saw him as more than a friend until the night of my album release party when I wanted to kiss him and he backed away.

The events of that week kept bringing Harry to my head and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him and everything since then has been painful. Some times are easier than others and more often than not it gets very hard but we've been through so much.

Being with Harry is easy, we just have everything against us.

Zayn is my alibi, my excuse is to say that I go on tour with them to see my brother, as everyone's sister does and while that's partly true, my main focus is Harry and ever since we got together, first time, second time or this one, whenever I'm on tour try to hang out with everyone but he is the main focus of my attention.

I have a lot to thank my brother for because without him, being with Harry would be ten times harder than it currently is.

We've tried everything that we could with Harry, to keep us solid and stable. It's been working and I'm getting better at communicating my feelings to him and letting him know what I'm thinking at those moments we call each other.

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