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Chapter sixty two


''Baby, wake up.'' I feel someone stroking my cheek, causing me to jolt up in my bed, turning around and clutching my hand on my chest. ''Oh, baby, did I scare you?''

I'm positive I stopped breathing for a second and my heart froze for a minute but as I look up with utter fear, I see the shadow of Harry's body and a slight view of his features lean over my face. Out of instinct, I kick him with my leg, earning a grunt.

''Ow, fuck.'' He crouches down on the side of the bed and breathes heavily. ''Jesus, Zara, remind me to never wake you up again. I think you must have left me unfertile.''

''Why would you do that?'' I cry out as I try to turn on the lights, the brightness instantly pains me. ''What the fuck, Harry?'' I pant out, moving the duvet off my body.

''Surprise?'' He rasps with his voice sounding low, his hand is still grabbing his crotch so he can ease some of the pain. ''You weren't expecting me, were ya?''

''No, dickhead, I thought you were some sort of burglar or something.'' I say, trying to calm down my breathing as he smiles, all of his hair falling on his face. ''What are you doing?''

''My love, you just hit me in the balls, tryna recover here.'' He turns around and sits on the edge of the bed, still grabbing ahold of himself.

''No, here, in London.'' I fan myself, trying to get some air flowing to my lungs as well.

''Baby, don't cry.'' He hisses in pain and I pout, letting my tears fall and he moves across the bed, rounding me with his arms.

''You scared me.'' I say in a small voice, knowing I sound like a kid that's afraid of the dark but the truth is, I'm a 22-year-old pregnant woman living alone in London, you can't scare me like that.

Fuck, I'm pregnant.

And Harry is here, fuck.

''Oh I'm so sorry, angel, I thought you'd be happy to see me.'' He offers a playful tone but I can't stop crying. ''You look like you've just witnessed a ghost, remind me to never wake you up again, please. I'm very sorry. ''

''What are you doing here?'' I sob and he sits right beside me on the bed but I clutch the cover tight above my waist. I haven't prepared myself to tell him that I'm pregnant and I have no idea where to begin.

''I took the flight you booked me.'' He says as if nothing, and I frown but he doesn't mind cause he is focused on taking off his boots.

''But I didn't give you the...-''

''I bet you didn't think I'd surprise you, silly, of course I'd be here if you ask me.'' I know I should be happy and glad that he could make it but I'm way too confused to process what's happening.

''What time is it?'' I ask, clearly disoriented and Harry picks up his phone.

''4 AM.'' I widen my eyes again, trying to figure out what he did and if he saw the mess of baby clothes in my living room. ''I had the concert and came straight here, I couldn't wait to see you.''

''Um...'' I'm interrupted once more when he cups my cheek and plants a kiss on my lips, leaving me dumbfounded and frozen in place, this all feels so weird.

''Mmm, hi, baby.'' He smirks and pecks my lips once more before stretching over me, so I protectively put my arms over my belly so he doesn't squish the baby but he only leans over to turn off the lights, leaving me much more confused. ''Night, love.''

He settles back on his side of the mattress and gets ready for bed, his arm beckoning me closer but I turn on the lights again.

''What are you doing?'' I ask in confusion, and he gives me a look, sitting against the headboard of the bed next to me.

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