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Chapter sixty seven


Harry wasn't joking when he said that he wanted to start rumors, and they have been amazingly targeted but it put me on the spot again, which I wasn't prepared for.

I know he secretly loves chaos but I surely wasn't prepared for everything that was coming towards me and I'm very frightened of what it can cause.

He did a live lounge for the BBC radio with the rest of the guys and personally handpicked a song to do a cover of, which I wrote under my fake name, which is in the main song in the album that gets released in a few days.

I wanted to yell at him with my entire chest, for being so reckless but I was feeling like shit after I put in the IUD, that I didn't have any strength to lift a finger, and he definitely made up for it.

The aftermath of putting on the IUD resulted in extreme cramping and very intense period pain. It didn't hurt to get it inside but I had some discomfort, which Harry took wonderful care of.

Part of me assumes it's his way of making up for not being here while I was pregnant, which I don't blame him for but it definitely kept him up all night.

Harry is always an angel when I'm on my period, and he likes to take care of me quite a lot because it's the only moment I let him spoil me with cuddles, kisses, and loads of comfort food.

It's been three days since I got it inserted and I feel much better but Harry likes to pretend I'm not so he can take care of me, and I secretly let him.

He was still very hesitant about the IUD but I came to be very persuasive about it. Harry likes to get ahead of himself, and do research about everything because he likes to make informed decisions. It happened when I told him about my disorder, when I was very emotional and suffering through obvious pregnancy symptoms he got concerned and involved about researching anything that could have been causing what I was going through.

He didn't want me to suffer, not anymore and he tried to convince me to do this in another way, with an implant or a shot, he still insisted on him being the one sterilized but then I explained to him all the benefits and pros it has and he understood quite easily that it was my body and therefore my decision.

''Hello, beautiful'' Harry breaks through the door, taking off his jacket and coming to the living room to be with me, bags under his arms and a big smile.

''Hey bub'' I stretch my neck to try and level up with his height whilst still sitting on the couch but he cups my cheeks between his cold hands leaning down to press his lips on mine, joining them in a sweet and gentle kiss. ''Mmm, I really missed you, gorgeous.''

''Sorry angel, someone's gotta put food on our table.'' He winks at me but I roll my eyes while he sits down and takes a bag from behind him, giving it to me.

''What is this?'' I ask in confusion but he simply rests it on my lap, nudging for me to open it. ''What did you get me?''

''Just a nice present so we can match...'' His tone makes me smile and I look inside, sneaking my hand inside and I reach a box, furrowing my eyebrows as I look at him but he simply grins, looking a bit proud almost.

''I'm very nervous right now.'' I playfully tell him but he ushers me to take it out, it has a big bow on the top, with a little flower tied in between. ''Is it our anniversary and I forgot or...''

''That was like two days ago, but who's counting honestly.'' He says nonchalantly and I gasp, taking my hand to my mouth as I look at him with worry. ''Not anniversary, but like month thingy celebration.''

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