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Chapter fifty eight


''You fight like a girl, Harry, come on.'' I put my gloves up and he releases his, letting them fall on the sides of his body.

''You shouldn't say that.'' He points out and I roll my eyes. ''Seriously, just because girls are naturally built differently than men doesn't mean that-'' I move my fists up and throw a few punches without actually touching him, just so he can shut up. ''Hey!''

''I'm a girl, I can say it...come on, sweetheart, give me a good punch.'' I use the flirtatious name he likes to call me by and he frowns. ''Harry, it was your idea for us to work out together, now seriously, get in the mindset and properly do it.''

''Well, my idea was to do couples yoga.'' I realize he's not doing it anytime soon so I go to the side of the mat, grabbing my bottle of water.

''Yeah, but that's lame.'' I say under my breath but I know he heard me because his pace is rushed, cornering me against the edge of the stage.

''Did you just call my yoga lame?'' He towers me, trying to be intimidating but I nod without hesitation. ''Why?''

''Because that's for serene people, I'm anxious, I can't concentrate for more than two minutes and you look funny while meditating.'' I confess and he shows clear offense in his expression.

''You should try yoga, it helps you calm down and relax...if you concentrated a little bit instead of making fun of my meditation, you'd get it.'' He practically sneers back at me and I give him a look.

''What's that tone?'' I ask him with a stern one myself and he looks around in innocence. He decided to copy my working out hairstyle, which is two dutch braids keeping the hair away from my face, and he looks adorable but also funny.

''I'm not using any tone, I'm just saying you are not giving it a shot.'' He explains shortly but I shake my head.

''It looks boring.''

''Take it back!'' He asks in offense and I laugh at his concerned expression, his brows are furrowed and he looks intimidating but I can't take him seriously with braids on his hair. ''Give it a try.''

''Box with me.'' I counter propose but he lets out a laugh. ''I'm serious, have a fight with me. Come on, pretty boy.'' I motion for him to come to me without my gloves but he shakes his head.

He gives me a once-over and then stares at my face, looking unimpressed.''I'm not fighting you.''

''I think you are afraid to see that I'm better at boxing than you.'' I provoke him with my words, putting on my gloves back. When I turn to him he is looking down at me with his tongue between his teeth totally smug.

''Sure.'' He bluffs and I throw him a bored look. ''Now come on, we had enough for today, I want to get something to eat.''

''Like a low calorie, no gluten, no sugar, no fat, healthy shake?'' I mock and he is looking at me very unimpressed but still containing himself. ''You are scared that I beat your ass.''

''Zara, don't be silly, darling.'' Given his very competitive nature, I see he is slowly falling into my trap but I don't want to leave until he agrees to a small round.

''Fight me.'' I date him but he shakes his head once more. ''If you are afraid I can't take it, don't worry, I can.''

''You couldn't handle me.'' He lifts his chin, looking down at me and I raise both my eyebrows, folding my arms.

''I'll make you a deal.'' I stand up and he motions for me to go on. ''If you box with me, then I'll do yoga with you.''

''Where's the deal?'' He questions me and I look at his braids, giggling to myself before talking but he interrupts me before I have a chance. ''You're not taking me seriously.''

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