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Chapter seventy two


Nostalgia. This is how this place feels, the long hallways, the big centered stage at the back of the arena, the strobing lights blinding in focus at the act in the middle. This place holds so many dreams, promises, tears, and talent; another little corner on earth I get to call home.

The Wembley Arena was my safe space during the competition, many years ago, and it brings me comfort to be somewhere familiar when there's so much craziness going around, people turning back and forth and the crowd going crazy for their favorite participants.

It's hard to not get caught up in that sensation, and it takes me back to five years ago when I was standing on that same stage, singing my life out to win while freaking out because Rihanna was performing at the final.

Today that's different, the guys are performing their goodbye song, the last one of them all where it all started. It makes me feel so lucky and grateful to be able to be here, after all those years and it puts things into perspective.

Those were my last days of freedom right before I signed the contract that would turn my life around, still having effects to this present day and holding so much meaning it shaped my entire adult personality.

Most people say the biggest impacts of your life take more meaning at the early stages of development, but it wasn't that way for me. I grew up in a loving home, with a wonderful family that allowed me to be whoever I wanted to be and supported me to chase my dreams.

There's nothing to complain about my childhood, and I was a good kid. Zayn and I, along with my older sister grew up with the necessary and that was more than enough. My little sisters are a completely different case, because thanks to the visibly Zayn and I had, they were able to have a slightly different upbringing but they are still good people.

I virtually have no childhood trauma, maybe one or two things that happened when I was younger but nothing that scarred me for life. When I became a teen, things changed because every single guy I dated seemed to have one thing in common and that was to break my heart.

I wasn't always the most confident girl in the room but I had some left within me, and I might have run out of it when I performed on those stages. It was draining and exhausting but I did it better than anyone else until that changed and I started making big money and billing.

We know the whole story and how many times it tore me apart and how mentally damaged that period of my life left me.

This place is the last good memory I have before it all started. It's where Harry and I met, it's where we became friends, it's where he fell in love with me, and basically where it all started. I am grateful for this stage and this arena because it reminds me of what it's like to be 17 and carefree again.

There are so many familiar faces, Olly, Rita, Cheryl, Simon, Nick, and even Caroline. I have cut ties with the obvious ones, the oldest members of the judges but I have found a nice relationship with the new ones, and it feels like a big family.

Like any other family, you are closer with some people and with others not so much. Harry's ex-girlfriend has been giving me the side-eye since I got here and while she played it off as if she liked me, I can tell she doesn't.

Why? I have no idea, it could be my lasting relationship with Harry throughout the years and our unbreakable bond we seem to have, even while keeping a romantic relationship hidden.

She is a woman, and she is very smart to realize something else is going on so it could be that as well, but I won't entertain her little game. The last time I did, it led Harry and me to have our first big fight as friends, while I was caught in a PR stunt with Matt.

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