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Chapter thirty


''Zee, wait.'' Cassie pleads while hot tears brim down my face as I start feeling overwhelmed again.

There are so many thoughts coursing through my head at the moment, and it gets harder to breathe when I feel my heart shrink in my chest and my throat gets tighter because of the knot starting to form there.

She lied to me, not once, not twice, but three times and I feel like a fool. All she does is lie to me and I don't know why it took me so long to realize but just like everyone else, she deceives me.

I'm starting to think I can only trust Harry.

I don't want to be that girl that just trusts her boyfriend but he seems to be the only one I can rely on, he has been honest with me but again, if I think about it, he lied about this too even if it's Cassie's fault.

''I don't want to hear it.'' My voice threatens to break but I remain strong even if I feel like I'm about to drown myself in sobs.

''Please listen to me, you have to listen.'' Cassie comes behind me, trying to reach my hand but I flinch and take it away before she can touch me.

''Go on then!'' I motion for her to start but she looks down before her eyes connect with mine once more but I can see how disappointed she is right now. ''Fucking talk Cassie.''

''You..you weren't supposed to hear that.'' She excuses herself while making a gesture between Anna and her. Anna remains leaned against the door frame of the kitchen while looking at us from a distance, still silent but looking as equally guilty as Cassie.

This is outrageous and pathetic so my only response is to laugh. My eyes burn from brimming with tears as they burn my skin once they roll down my face but the tone of my laugh is as cynical as it can be but I'm not faking it.

''Oh, I'm sorry.'' I bring my hands to my chest. ''My fucking bad, you're right. How stupid am I? Of course this is my fault, if I was never to find out, right?''

''Zee.'' She pleads again and I shake my head as my chest goes up and down in short breaths.

''I should have known you've been hiding something, someone always lies to me.'' I say in disbelief while avoiding her stare. ''It hurts that it had to be you.''

''This isn't what you think, you've gotta listen.'' She insists again and I can't help but feel a bit nauseous about all of this.

''This isn't what I think? Oh thank god, it's not what I think.'' I say in distress while walking towards the door. ''Cause I thought that you had betrayed my trust by calling Harry that night in New York, while he was with his girlfriend and he heard all of what I said.''

I assume what happened from what I gathered right now, from what I heard and what Anna said. All of them knew and no one said a thing while I remained as naïve and clueless as always. She stays silent, she knows I'm right and she doesn't seem to be able to come up with an excuse or a lie.

''So I'm sorry for eavesdropping on a conversation that doesn't concern me, I guess we're even now.'' I say while I scrunch my nose in disgust and anger.

She looks down again and I scoff, wiping away my tears and walking to the door again but I hear her footsteps coming right behind me while she says my name repeatedly.

''I did it for you!'' She raises her voice as I get to the door and I turn to her, widening my eyes in response while I ball my hands into tight fists.

''For me, that's funny...'' I say in a sarcastic tone while sourly laughing. ''Did I ask?'' Her demeanor falls again so I just feel my blood boiling even more. ''Did I fucking ask you to, Cassie?''

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