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Chapter fifty three


All families are complicated but mine deserve an award.

I haven't been here for more than two days and I already want to leave. I've had my monthly dosage and I'm ready to not see them for another while, which makes me sad at the same time.

This past month has been one of the craziest so far. Ever since I got home from touring with Harry it's been hectic and stressful. As soon as we arrived in the UK with him I was swarmed up with work.

That's what I get for leaving more than two weeks to go see my boyfriend because two weeks of everything piled up for me to revise. I had to reschedule interview after interview because Cassie managed to pull some strings because otherwise, I would have lost the opportunities.

Harry and I managed to see each other or at least sleep at each other's places while he was still in London but around the middle of the month he had to leave for Los Angeles for work but he came back last night on a flight and went straight to her mum's in Cheshire.

I've barely seen him but we've made the most of it while he was away via Facetime and I'm supposed to go see him later today and spend the night at his house because his mum wanted to see me as well.

I brought my car along with me for the weekend, and even though it's a long ride I had Lex to come along with me. We tend to carpool together back home whenever one of us is coming, taking a flight would be much easier and faster but I can't stand being at my parent's without my car.

I could have a car here but I would have to leave it at my parent's where they have no space in the garage for another one and it's pretty useless having more than one car.

I know Harry has a ton of cars, here and in LA but I don't see the point in having so many. I haven't changed mine since I got it and I love it, it's one of my safe spaces because I keep everything I could ever need with me in my car.

It may be a little exaggerated but anything you need, I have it in my car. It's one of my most prized possessions but as I said, it's my little safe space that I can take everywhere with me.

Lex comes back home at least once a month, some of them twice but I don't have as much time as he does to go back and forth but sometimes we coordinate and we share the ride here.

Lately, his company has been more pleasant than before, maybe because he's actually maturing now and he has a girlfriend so there's nothing to worry about. He still doesn't like Harry and Harry doesn't like him either but they'll have to deal with each other when I'm around.

He's my friend and my coworker, he has been a bit annoying in the past but I think he has moved on from whatever feelings he had for me, thankfully, because I would have lost a friend that I value. Our relationship is not the same, we keep it professional and we act like friends when the rest of our group is around but other than that we don't talk much.

I would have much preferred to share the road trip with my boyfriend and I could have waited until he was here so we could come here together but he didn't want to come home with me.

I understand that he doesn't want to face Zayn and there's a high chance Zayn doesn't want to see Harry either but the fact that Harry denied me as soon as I asked hurt me a lot because he didn't even give it a chance.

I didn't mention Zayn, I haven't talked to him either and he is doing an amazing job in avoiding me but Harry knows that, and still he refused to join me. I'm not forcing any of them to meet, I'd like to have a chance to speak with Zayn first and clear some things out but he hasn't allowed me to hear his side.

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