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Chapter forty nine


The no-sex rule was getting tougher to maintain.

The pent-up emotion of not seeing my boyfriend for three weeks followed by a steamy makeout session on the corridor of a big venue wasn't of any useful help either. My period was only heightening the sensation caused by the pressure of himself shifting his hips on mine, causing me to feel his hard groin against my core over our clothing.

Being on my period made me horny but it was a very nice excuse to put down sex because I don't feel comfortable doing it, much less when I'm away from home and doing it on a hotel bed or a bunk bed on the bus because Harry insisted.

I can't even begin to explain all of the hilarious excuses he gave to me, saying that he didn't care about blood and all of that and how it's a beautiful miracle to be a woman and all of that shit when all I needed was for him to shut up and stop grinding his very hard bulge on the curve my ass.

The man was insatiable and I was irritable, not a great combination because we were both equally frustrated for very different reasons but we both just wanted to get it over with.

Are we ready? No, we are totally not ready to involve ourselves back into sex and what it means for us to fuck.

But do I want to? I want to, I really really want to.

I've been here for five days and thankfully my period has joined me for the most part, now it's already gone but Harry doesn't know that so he's keeping his tender care on me, coddling me like a baby and bringing me everything I ask him for. I could get used to him being my slave.

He's not pushing me either, the problem is I've never had period sex before so I don't know if it hurts more or if anything changes and I'm a bit disgusted to do anything remotely intimate when I'm that vulnerable and flimsy. Besides, I don't want the first time we have sex since getting back together to look like a crime scene afterward.

He's been spoiling me with cuddles, kisses, and lots and lots of ice cream. I'm not ready to give up on my defenseless woman advantage -because Harry believes me being on my period means I'm impaired- and he takes a lot of pride in taking care of me so I let his cute self hog all of my attention.

Have I become clingy with need and attention? Yes, yes I have but I don't get to see my boyfriend for three weeks more so I'm allowed to, don't judge me.

''I can't believe you'll be gone in two days.'' Harry murmurs close to the shell of my ear, causing me to shiver on his lap. ''It feels like you got here yesterday...''

''Time really went by...'' I remove my cheek from leaning on the crook of his neck and I offer him a pouted look as I stroke my fingers through his very long hair. ''I'll be back before you notice.''

''Today's 12th and you'll be back here on the 29th for South Africa?'' He checks on me and I nod. ''That's too long.''

''It's less than two weeks, bub.'' He shakes his head with his lips pursed together in a look that resembles the one of a kid who just got told no. ''We didn't see each other for three weeks, you can survive two without me.''

''That's the thing, I can...I just don't want to.'' His arms wrap closer around me so I can hide my face back in its original place and plant a kiss on my forehead. ''Are you feeling better today, baby?''

''I am, Harry, it's okay.'' I chuckle at his voice as he's using a very funny tone to check in on me. ''Are you going to cut your hair?'' I ask while staring at his split ends but he dramatically gasps.

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