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So we'll piss off the neighbours
In the place that feels the tears
The place to lose your fears
Yeah, reckless behavior
A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw
In the bed all day, bed all day, bed all day
Fucking in and fighting on
It's our paradise and it's our war zone
It's our paradise and it's our war zone

Pillow talk
My enemy, my ally
Then we're free, it's a thin line

song: pillowtalk by Zayn

(a/n: not meant to be played while reading)

Chapter four


I hate to be this couple.

The one that fights in the hallway of a nightclub for about twenty minutes while all our friends wonder where we are and why he looks like he's about to punch a wall or why I'm on the verge of spilling down my eyes in tears because he's not listening to me.

Yeah, that couple.

Or ex-couple.

''Harry, I need you to listen to me.'' I say as my voice is about to break while the nod in my throat gets tighter, making it harder for me to contain my sobs. ''I d-didn't-''

''You didn't what? You didn't sleep with him? Cause that's what it looks like to me.'' Harry points towards Luke before crossing both his arms on his chest.

We've been going around the same topic for a while and he's not budging. He's obviously clouded by his own opinion and I can't do anything about it but I just need him to listen to me so I can clear things out and have a proper conversation.

''I didn't.'' I sob while I give up on containing my tears and shrinking in my spot, looking down as I can't face Harry's angered glance on me. He looks like he's about to blow up and his tone is becoming scary. His voice deepens and his frown is taking over his features. He's so mad at me. ''I'm sorry.''

''So you lied!'' He exclaims and I shake my head, trying to avoid my lower lip from quivering but it's useless. Just like arguing with him, it's useless. He's never gonna believe me. He never trusted me and he never will. "Apologizes are not gonna fix this."

''For fucks sake, I didn't.'' I release my hands from the tight fists that I had formed so I can clean my tears from my cheeks shamefully. ''Why don't you believe me? I've done nothing wrong.'' I plead and he lets out a scoff.

''I asked you last year if you had slept with Luke and you told me you hadn't.-''

''Because I didn't! I've never slept with him and it's so disrespectful from you to even ask, this is...ugh!'' I run my hands down my face, trying to clear out my thoughts and keep me from saying something I'll regret. ''This is so sick and twisted, dear god. You're driving me insane!''

''I'm driving you insane, Zara?'' He points to his chest, obviously trying to prove a point and I look to the side, shaking my head but he gets in front of me. ''You're the one that's been lying this whole entire time!'' He exclaims and shakes my head, taking a step back and raising both my hands up in surrender.

''I give up, you're impossible.'' I say under my breath while the tears roll down my face. ''You're not okay, Harry. I hope you realize how wrong you are.'' I look at him once more before turning around and leaving but he catches my wrist.

''You don't get to leave this argument.'' He grits through his teeth and I snap my hand out of his grasp but he doesn't let me.

''Let go.'' I say looking at his eyes and something seems to snap inside his head and he releases me immediately, looking a little afraid.

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