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~A good friend will ways stab you in the front~


"Oh God no." Maya groaned out in pain as she laid flat on the cold tiles of the girl's restroom, stretching her limbs. We were dressing up for classes after taking cold showers to soothe our aching muscles from the high-intensity gym workout. I couldn't help but laugh my heart out at Maya's weird position on the floor. She was literally folded into two.

"Dramatic much." Severina taunted.

"Bitchy much." She retaliated.

Oh boy, not again.

"And we are back to square one," Miskha mumbled.

Severina immediately lunged forward but Miskha held her down.

"You dumb...

"Girls not now please." Sophia intervened.

I wonder when they'll learn to grow up.

"Me? Don't blame me, Sophia. If only this slu...

"Severina cut it out please." Malu chimed, but one glare was enough to shut her up.

"You don't understand English do you?" Severina snapped.

"Technically no, because I'm Albanian by birth and...

"Save it." She cut in.

"Seriously Rina, no offence but I'm afraid your eyes might get stuck at one place. You put roller coasters to shame." Sophia joked, lightening the mood. Always the peacemaker.

Instead of throwing in a witty remark like I expected her to, Severina only rolled her eyes in a much more provocative manner and stormed out of the restroom. But of course, not before tossing us the middle finger, typical.

"Phina as tempting as it's watching y'all goof around, we're ten minutes late for Ecology and God help us if Mr Kenneth will fall for our excuses again." Maya cautioned the same time we made a beeline for the exit.

I lead the way to the classroom, followed by the girls and just like any other day, we managed to grab everyone's attention.

"Miss Del Varia and the crew, late again." I looked at the middle-aged lecturer and opened my mouth to justify our actions but found myself at a loss for words. Just when I thought I couldn't handle any more embarrassment, Mr Kenneth raised a finger as a gesture of indicating he's had enough.

"We are sorry Mr Kenneth. The showers had a slight malfunction, so We'd to wait for the janitor to fix them, who at the time was rather occupied and since we couldn't come to class all sweaty and stenchy, We'd no other choice but to wait. Hence the reason for our tardiness." Sophia smoothly lied, way too smooth.

Miskha was almost at the edge of losing it but I gave her a warning glance. Sophia lied to save our asses after all. The least we could do was play along. If we don't want to get busted anyway.

" Didn't the chancellor hire a plumber?"

"Yes, he did, but he's currently on leave as his wife is heavily pregnant and the baby is bound to arrive on any day." Another lie.

Sophia is a legend. I couldn't lie this way to save my life.

"I see." Mr Kenneth hummed, looking very doubtful, but then later shrugged and hopped off the desk.


"Yeah but I assure you it won't happen again, sir. I'll make sure of it." Lie.

The middle-aged man scanned our faces with pure skepticism before gesturing to our seats.

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