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This scene from Empire will never age😄👆

~Success and Scorn are relative~

"Why isn't she showing yet?" I ignored him and swiped my avatar left, before leaping up and collecting the gem. Yes!, I did a mini victory dance in my head. You might be wondering why an elderly person is dedicating their life to temple run but you won't understand the vibes I get from this game. Best getaway zone ever.

"Trust her to make people feel like complete fools." R mused.

"Bitch." Q muttered. I returned the iPad to my desk and faced the tedious duo.

" Pregnancy symptoms won't show until after two to three weeks post intimacy. So, it's dumb of you to expect a baby bump this early."

"Her symptoms came earlier, contrary to my expectations. " R added.

"She's a youngblood. "

"Poor girl, she has no idea the process occurring in her body." Q shook his head in fake concern, as they watch the live footage playing on the huge projector implanted in the wall.

"So, are you going to discard the sex tape, now that you got what you wanted?" R asked without taking her eyes off the screen.

"Never in eternity. "

"Why? wasn't the mission to get her pregnant?" What's with Q and questioning my motives?

"You'll know when the time is right."

"Literally never." R chuckled, throwing two pieces of mentos in her mouth.

"I already feel bad for her." she sighed. I redirected my focus on the screen and smirked in content when the poor girl barged into the bathroom, hurling her guts out. She washed her face and lifted her shirt, inspecting her belly.

"Okay, someone's getting suspicious. "

"Poor girl. Her parents will flip off when they know."

"That is if she'll let them know."

"Oh yes, she'll. She most definitely will."

I'll make sure of it.
I can't believe midterm is already here. Talk about prompt.

"How was Botany, Phina?"
I stretched my neck muscles and sighed, facing Ace.

"It was fair." I yawned placing my head on the closed textbook.

"I can't believe they didn't inform you guys prior to the test." Maya mused.

"I was so confused in the hall today. I almost cried, Phina's a living witness." Aisha recounted. Botany was extraneous today. The questions were numerous and tricky, not to mention jumbled up. Miskha slumped in the seat next to Malu and picked a fry from her plate.

"How was it, Pontero?"

"Pretty easy to me." She replied Kabia in a bored tone, tiredly chewing on a fry.

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