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Song for this chapter:
Touch it by Ariana grande👆
~If you have no critics, you'll likely have no success ~
~Marcus Aurelius

I released a huge breath I didn't know I was holding when the lady showed me her ID.

Katerina Holland, Chief Detective.

"And it's a wrap. No further questions. We'll contact you when we need you again." The lady whom I now knew to be Katerina concluded. She signed a few documents and carefully placed the tape in a transparent file, before securing everything in a huge briefcase.

Her colleague stood a reasonable distance from us the entire interrogation. I didn't miss his creepy stares though.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, Miss Del Varia." She smiled, which I returned with a fake one of my own. I don't like her.

They stopped short at the door, and Katerina faced me with an amused smirk. What now? Something about them makes me so uncomfortable and creeped out, but I guess being one of the world's top secret agents comes with special qualities.

"Do you miss something?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"You sure?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, rubbing my aching temples.

"What do you want Kateline or whatever your name is?"  She's no different from Severina. Annoying as fuck.

"Can I borrow your phone?" My eyes snapped to her, baffled.

"What for?"

"I just wanted to check the time." Is she serious?

"What about yours?"

"My time's wrong. " she shrugged nonchalantly.

"Don't worry. I can check it for you just fine." I reached for my phone from where I placed it in between my thighs, only for my hands to connect with the soft leather of the seat. 

I checked under my hospital gown, nothing. Patted the spaces on either side of me but to no avail. Confusion and panic settled in. I lifted my gaze to Katerina and found her silently laughing.

"Where's my phone?" I spat out. I wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"What made you think I have it?"

"Duh. I don't need any confirmation from any of you on that. I knew something was fishy about you  the moment you stepped in."

She stared at me with a scrutinizing gaze for a while before nodding to her colleague and gestured with her head towards me.

"Give it to her Pat."

The guy removed a small, black package from his jacket and handed it over to me. Out of fury, I snatched it from him and opened it, coming face to face with my phone. What the...

"Never try to record an interview with a top-intelligence officer, Miss Del Varia. It can land you in serious trouble. Have a good day." 

The embarrassment I felt was inexplicable. I unlocked my phone and went straight to my recordings, despite already knowing the confirmation of my suspicions. As expected, it was empty. Everything was wiped out.

"Fuck!" I cursed and kicked the leather chair. How she accessed my recently-deleted rendered me dumbfounded. Only my fingerprint works on that folder. Damned FBI's.

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