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Song: Selena Gomez 👆

~You won't understand it until you experience it ~

I woke up to a loud booming sound. My ear agonisingly ringing. Who the hell plays music on a Saturday morning when the entire school could've possibly been sleeping? I groaned and put the covers over my head.


I added the pillow. Same shit. I gave up after several failed attempts and got out of the blanket. I heard distinct giggling and my head snapped towards the source. Zara. Only she'd the nerves to blast music at such an ungodly hour. Although it's nine am, it's still early for me. I don't joke with my sleep.

"Can you turn your music down? Some of us are trying to sleep here."

She played deaf and continued tapping away on her phone as if a brick wall just spoke to her.

"Zara, I'm talking to you."
My patience was running thin. She's prompting me into doing something I wasn't ready for.


That's it. I wasn't a violent person, but once you push me too far, I retaliate. I'm a spiral spring. I stormed to where the speaker was, lifted it over my head and smashed it hard on the floor, sending the debris flying to different parts of the room.


That's sure to leave a message since the human voice wasn't loud enough.

"What the fuck did you just do?!"

No response.

"I budgeted my entire salary for this speaker!"

You knew that and still tested my patience.

"I'm fucking talking to you Seraphina!"

Payback is a bitch sis.

"Oh, God no."

"Is everything okay in here?" The door flung open and Maya stepped in.

"If it isn't your bitch of a bes...

"I don't remember asking you." Maya rudely dismissed, sitting on my bed.

"I miss you." She pouted. When doesn't she?

"It's just been hours, Maya."


No, don't get all giddy. She didn't miss me. She just wanted insight into my date with Enrique.

"Ask away already and stop pretending." I laughed.

"How did you know?" She sheepishly grinned and I rolled my eyes. I knew Maya more than my birth date.

"Tell me everything." Told you.
She stood up, and that's when I took in her outfit. She was spotting a sporty look.

"I'm going for a jog around the field. Came to pick you but turned out you were rather preoccupied. " She giggled, discreetly nodding her head towards a fuming Zara. She glared at me and slammed the door on her way out. Bitch, who wasted energy?

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