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~Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons~

"Everyone meet the Mahmat's." My mom introduced with a bright smile.
My siblings stared at me with scared expressions, afraid I might do something but I gave them a  reassuring smile. I was going to maintain my cool. For now at least.

I stared at my mom and she stared right back with a smug expression. Believe me when I tell you she must've had this entire thing planned, just to get back at me for the other day. I would admit, this was one very unexpected and over the board revenge but you can't possibly expect maturity from an irresponsible adult.

Zara and her parents were led by my mother to the huge dining room and it was then that I took in her outfit. She spotted a black, knee-length, body corn dress, paired with black stilettos. Similar to mine but without the strap, and her curly hair was styled in a messy bun.

"Like what you see?" She whispered when no one was watching and intentionally bumped my shoulder. Wrong move. I discreetly moved the chair before she could sit on it, making her butt-plant hard on the tiles.

Everyone gasped and Tiffany bent down, pretending to fix something on her dress but I knew better. She was laughing.

"Seraphina." Mom gritted out and I gave her an innocent look.

"Oh please, leave the poor girl alone Camille. Zara is the clumsiest out there. She should've been more careful." Mrs Mahmat said, laughing at a now furious-looking Zara.

"Thank you Mrs Mahmat. I didn't even know she fell. I should've been more observant and make sure all the seats were in place. I'm so sorry Zara, I didn't mean it. You forgive me right?" I apologised with fake sincerity and a sickly-sweet voice.

"Right Zara?" I pressed with a challenging look, daring her to say no in the presence of her parents.

"Why not?" She gave me a fake smile and clenched her fist so hard her knuckles turned white.

"You didn't have to dear. Zara should've been more careful." Mrs Mahmat smiled.

"It's fine Mrs Mahmat. I blamed it on her cell-deficient brain." I stated the last part to only Zara's hearing.

We took our seats and I smirked at my mom who was throwing daggers at me. One, zero, I mouthed and she scowled. She's already annoyed and the game's yet to start.

"Zara, honey why not you exchange seats with Tiffany?" Mom offered at the same time Tiffany started protesting.

"No." Tiffany, who was seated beside Asher curtly retorted. I winked at her and lowly giggled. How joyous.

"Excuse me."

"I mean no, the chair is kind of jiggling. The other leg has a problem, and I don't think Zara will be comfortable seating on it, or you won't mind?" That's my girl. I expectantly looked at Zara and nodded my head towards Tiffany, urging her to respond to her question. She glared at me and stabbed her salad hard with a fork. Maybe she's taking the salad for my heart. Pathetic desperado.

"It's okay Aunt Camille. I'm good here." She ignored Tiffany and returned to her food.

The funniest during this entire exchange was the fact that Zara's parents were so oblivious of what was going on. Mrs Mahmat was talking and laughing at my mom whose entire focus was on anything but her. While Dad and Mr Mahmat were engaged in a business conversation from the beginning. Zara was in a death trap. She should've known better than to agree with my mom's dumb idea of a family dinner.

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