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~Those who know love has also the risk of knowing pain~

"You should've punched the living daylight out of the bitch."
Severina bit her fingers, already anticipating.

"Both of you should know that we're students and not rebels." Severina yawned and Miskha, who was rather preoccupied feasting on a tub of chocolate chip ice cream, barely spared me a glance.

Miskha decided to crash at mine for the day until her roommate returns. The girl accidentally left with the sole key to the room. Saying Miskha was riled would be the understatement of the year. I already feel sorry for the poor girl. God help her if she escapes a black eye today.

"I would've given her family a funeral but Miss Wilson had other plans." Miskha shrugged, scooping more ice cream into her mouth. Wasn't she getting irked from consuming this much sugar?

"It's absurd." I sighed.

"What is?" Severina inquired.

"Sophia's sudden change in attitude." Someone could've told me a day like this would come and I'll call them a celebrated liar. Let's be straight, this was Sophia Buhari we're talking about. The girl without the heart to hurt a single fly.

"People change Seraphina."

I shook my head, defying Severina. I wasn't denying the fact that people change. However, to the extent of dating your best friend's boyfriend is on a whole different level. That's just a hairsbreadth away from madness. I've been trying hard to gather sense around Sophia's bizarre behaviour but all in vain. I won't stop though. I'll dig to the roots.

"So, you think there's more to it."

"Not think, believe. I believe there's more to it." I confirmed Severina's assumption.

"Phina, is this the only tub you've left?" Miskha asked, loosening her sweats.

"We're talking about Sophia, and that tub you just galloped measured up to 500ml, Miskha!. Are you insane?" Severina reprimanded.

"I don't want to talk about her, and yes I am insane. So, is there a spare tub?"

"That's the last one."

"I'll check the Freezer."

Severina gave her a death glare.

"No, you won't!"

"Yes, I'll. "

"I said, you won't. "

"And I'm telling you, I...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I screamed at the top of my lungs, startling them. That went well.

"The fuck's wrong with you?" Severina snapped.

"Are you five?" I demanded. She rolled her eyes and flopped down on the couch, Miskha sitting on top of her.

Don't even get me started on what followed next.

"Miskha, all jokes aside, you and Sophia need to sort this issue betwe...

"Not happening." She interrupted.

"Miskha, grow up. Are you seriously going to let some guy ruin your friendship?"

"And to think that their relationship dated back to elementary school."

"What?" Severina exclaimed.

Miskha and Sophia were lifelong best friends. One could even refer to them as family now.

"She fucked with my boyfriend behind my back." Miskha hissed through clenched teeth.

"Ex." Severina just had to mention that. Talk about adding salt to the wound.

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