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~Silence is the best treatment for a poisonous mouth~

I closed my eyes, ready for impact, but felt nothing. I reopened them, and just like that, the bigfoot was nowhere to be seen.

"Phina! Phina! where are you?!" Asher's voice reverberated off the walls.

They rushed into my room and Severina staggered back upon seeing my state.

"Where's he?" Asher roared, hastily searching the room.
I weakly pointed towards the opened window. The guy must've escaped when he heard their footsteps.

"Damn it!" Nathan cursed.

"Sera, oh my God! I'm so sorry." Maya sobbed.

Asher rushed to my side and carried me in his arms. We descended the stairs to the living room where I was made to lay on the couch.

"Maya, bring the first aid kit."

"On it."

Except for voices, I couldn't make out anything else. My head was the current location of fogs and clouds.

"I think we should take her to the hospital. The cut is pretty deep and she's losing a lot of blood." Aisha's concerned voice filled in.

"No! no one is going to any hospital ever again." Asher flat-out rejected.

"She needs urgent medical attention Ash, otherwise she might die."
Lalia reasoned.

"That won't be necessary, move please." Ace stepped forward. I was struggling to see what he's doing but my fuzzy mind had other plans.

"Give me the antiseptic, Leila. The gash has to be cleaned and stitched."

What?! He has something else coming if he thinks a needle will so much as grace my skin, let alone pierce it.

"Christ! I said antiseptic, Leila, not bandage." Ace exasperated. Series of chuckles followed his remark.

I felt a cold substance on my right forearm before a burning sensation took over, making me wince.

"Careful, Ace."

"No pain, no gain, Ballerina."

"Stop calling me that." Severina snapped.

"Sorry, Ballerina." He provoked, not sounding the least bit sincere.

I felt a slight pinch, and yelped, turning around to see what it was as my vision slowly adjusted, but Maya forced me on my side.

"Don't look." She mumbled. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Was she crying?

"There, all done." I faced Ace, who had on gloves and a curved surgical needle in hand. My eyes widened and I immediately perked up.

"You're not touching me with that." I croaked.

"I already did."

"What..what do you mean?" He gestured towards my forearm with his eyes.
I looked down and sucked in a sharp breath, cringing at the now stitched gash in disgust.

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